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This one really confusing friend

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i have this friend,

who i have liked for a long while,

well she started getting comfterable with me and would sit on my lap, or would lean on my chest and id put my arm around her,

sometimes when id sit shed just lay accross me,

so when her and i was watching a movie and agai her head was on my chest and i had my arm around her i asked her out,

she then said maybe and next week (yes i had to wait a week) she writes in a note "can we just be friends"

well i continued to be her friend, but it wasnt the same,

she keeps her distance (she doesent let me put my arm around her she doesent lean on me)

but latly she seems to be over me asking her out,

she still doesent lean on me...

but now she always wants me sitting with her, she always wants my attention.

i dont know i just cant read her, does she like me?

or is my do i just think she likes me cause its what i want?

thanx in advance

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I think she just remembered how nice it was to have your attention in the past and now she wants it back. I don't think she wants anything more than friendship, otherwise she would have agreed to go out with you and she wouldn't have asked just to be friends. Maybe you should also distance yourself from her so that you don't have to worry so much about what she's thinking or doing and so you can focus on other girls.

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thats what i was afraid of,

im going to try it,

but i just wanna say,

i am as close as it is for a 15 year old to be in love and when she around im happy, when she aint im not,

is there nothing i can do to win her over?

anyways someone please reply...

until then i will try to distance myself and see how i do

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