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Dangers of being sick

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You will rot your teeth and your gums from the stomach acids.


You will develop ulcers and other problems in your stomach and in your esophagus again from the stomach acids.


You will lose the important nutrients your body needs, suppressing your immune system and leading to possible severe health complications.


You will be dehydrated as when you do so you are losing fluids. Dehyrdration affects your activity level, your organs, your skin, your general health.


All will also affect your brain and thinking skills, as it will become an obsession and the lack of nutrition will also deplete your brain of the vitamins and minerals IT needs for processing and thinking.


This is called bulimia, and is NOT a healthy thing to do. It is an eating disorder and if you are doing this I advice immediate help and counselling.

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I recovered from anorexia. Making yourself sick after everything you take in, can have the same result as starving yourself, with the dangers that RayKay described in addition.


Get yourself a doctor asap, and ask for medical control for your weight and diet as well as a therapist.


This is not something to play with by estimating the risks. You can die of this, and once you are really deep down in an eating disorder, and it has become a way of living, it's an awfully long and painful road to take back.


Don't do that to yourself.



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That is a really serious thing and you can really hurt your body by doing it. If you are doing it, get help immediately! I knew a girl who was bulemic and she got down to 90 lbs and she was taller than average! Now she's in the hospital and fighting for her life and she has to be fed through tubes because her body won't allow her to keep food down anymore. It's really sad. Not a good thing to do to yourself.

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well I haven't started. But I'll be honest. I was going to. I feel fat. I weigh 10 and half stone.


The generation of girls today seem so slim and skinny and they all think their fat but their not! So it made me think, "well if you think your fat, I must be obeist" (sorry about the spelling)


I feel fat. I go in to shops and try jeans on and none of them fit. Or they will have a really nice pair of jeans on a rack and the biggest size doesn't fit and the next set of jeans are a different style.


One of my friends Jasmine is slim and she seems to boast about it. she looks great.


I eat right, get PLENTY of exercise but nothing is changing. I feel fat. I wanted to start making myself sick because it would reduce my weight rapidly.

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I am glad to hear that you are just thinking about it, and not somewhere down the road getting lost in the terrible place of eating disorders.


Sure you will lose weight. You will also lose your life. I can assure you of that. I have been in therapy for over 3 years, and now, 8 years later I am still fighting it at times. You don't want to go there. It won't make you happy. It will make you miserable, obsessed, alone, and most of all: unhealthy.


You are a healthy girl, and if you really need to lose the weight to feel better about yourself, go to the weightwatchers. You are not the only one having a very hard time getting rid of the extra pounds, and this is surely one of the most healthy ways. You should talk to Mysterious Gurl here on the forum, I know she's doing a WW program.


Please be very very careful. You don't know the value of health (above weight) unless you are close to being hospitalized because you have only skin and bones left.



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Yes, as the others said - bulemia and anorexia are NOT the way to lose weight. They are extremely unhealthy, and you can die!


If you feel like you need to lose weight, there are many healthy ways to do it. I myself did WeightWatchers and I lost about 35 pounds. It really works. Basically, you learn how to eat healthier.


Don't compare yourself to other girls. Chances are, many of them may have eating disorders. Being skinny and dead does not sound good to me... And besides, not all men like sticks. Many like girls with curves.


You are a wonderful, beautiful person, inside and out. Don't forget that!


Yes, please please please don't start making yourself sick! There are safer ways to lose weight. PM me if you have any questions.

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but I do a lot of exercise and eat right but im not loosing the weight.


My mum and dad wont allow me on the weight watchers diet because i'm too young.


It was the perfect way to loose the weight and then finally I'd be slimer like every other girl. I'd feel better going to miss selfridges and trying on jeans that fit.


I thought making myself sick would work but it's just going to kill me


I hate myself I feel so unattractive all the time especially when I'm out with friends from college and their all slim and pritty.

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How old are you? I was a bit more 'chubby' (?) when I was like 14/15. I think your body size stabilizes around your twenties. If you are still growing or if you just got your first period, it's normal to gain some extra weight.



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