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Ok so i have this really good friend, she broke up with her bf in the past month, and i kinda helped her through it all, and i really liked this girl before but i came to late, and she got her bf. so they broke up, i help her through it, and all the feelings i have for her are coming back like crazy now.


Problem is, i dont know weather or not to go for it or wait, she acts like shes over him, she tells me shes over him, but im still skeptical, and that she might just be saying that to help herself actually get over him.


her ex and her hang out (they go to the same school, i dont go to the same one) and so im thinking if shes around him and not getting emotional or anything, is she over him for real, becuase she can be around him and be fine, or is she just getting caught up in the moment.


she flirts with me, not a lot, but enough to know there is something unique there. she really is different then most girls ive liked. most girls i like them and its a crush and just sort of a good feeling. but with her im happy just to talk to her online, or on the phone. i just get these really good feelings around her, im not trying to "work" my conversation with her like i do with girls i like, i can just talk to her.


so what i want all of ur advice, is should i tell her my feelings for her. im afraid to do it in person becuase if shes not over him, it would be really awkward afterwards. and i could still be friends with her even if i cant have her, and i can explain this to her, im just worried about that 20 minutes after i tell her, if she rejects me (in person), it would be really bad. so i kinda want to do it over the phone, but at the same time i want to do it in person cuz it means a lot more. should i even tell her anything in the first place? I cant say much now cuz nothing has happened, but if something were to happen between us, i would definantly fall in love with her. confused about this all, need some feedback. peace.

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These situations are difficult. Of course telling her is putting yourself in a very vulnerable position. Maybe wait for some signs that she likes you more than a friend? If it's so short since her last bf, I would wait for a bit. It wouldn't be what you want it to be if for her you are some kind of rebound guy.


Sofar the signs are good, but you can see it either way. A girl being very nice to a guy doesn't mean necessarily that she's into him. Does she flirt with you? How often does she see her ex, compared to the time she spends with you?


Good luck!



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I dont believe that your timing is right for you to tell her how you feel at this point in time. The whole love you thing sounds more like a friendly jesture rather than any underlying meaning. Instead of coming out and telling her how you feel it would be best if you could just be friendly with her so you can guage her feelings for you better. I think you need to continue with what you are doing now but you need to have more time with her, this is going to be the only way to tell if she is into you. Think to yourself if the actions she shows you can be thought of as her seeing you as a friend or her seeing you as more. Then you can better tell if she is interested in you.

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ok well she took him back, this is a reoccurring problem with me, how do u just "move on" to someone else. There are other people I could start dating with, but I know once on the date, it wouldnt feel real knowing there is someone more "for me" out there. how do you get over this, I want to move on, but I feel like noone else will be the same, becuase it's not that person. and I want to like other girls, there are some really nice people, but I just can't bring myself to LIKE them, like I did with this girl. argh

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