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Asking someone who just broke up with their ex out

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How long would you wait till you ask a woman out who broke up with her boyfriend? I know when I broke up with my exgf it took almost six months before I could date again but I was the dumpee and I still loved her. This woman is only a week out of her break up so there is no way she is ready but I was thinking that a few months down the line might be ok? I know this woman fairly well and don't want to come accross as pushy or selfish by asking her out too quickly.





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Depending on the length and intensity of the realtionship (and taking a measure of her self-esteem) would depend on when she's ready to date. I would steer clear of actually dating her right now, only because she's probably vulnerable. If you want meaningless sex, the you could pursue her right now and probably succeed because she's vulnerable (I don't recommend this, it's evil and will lower your own self-esteem if you do go this route).


On the other hand, I wouldn't be the man she cries to either - that will get you nowhere with her. Date other females in the meantime, and if you remember, ask her out a few months (or whenever you think she's healed up) from now.

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well, you put into words exactly what was going through my head. good advice. very good poing on being the one she cries to. i am never sure how to play that. it is impossible (for me) to turn someone away when they are hurting though........


no, i am 27 i am not into the meaningless sex game anymore. i have more self respect than that and would not do that to someone who is hurting. i am on this site for a reason. i don't want to be the reason someone else is on this site!

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