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I really need help or advice. About 4 months ago I met a girl from NYC on okcupid. I was and in process of moving to NYC for work so I thought id see what was put there. I met a girl and we started messaging and then whatsapp and then skyped. I was coming to NYC for interviews and we spent 2 weeks being together...started to have romantic feelings. I had to go back home to Ireland but she came 2 weeks later and we spent another 2 weeks here. She was telling me how much i meant to her and how I make her feel important and loved like no other man. How sexually we want to be together. Even about meeting her family. She left Ireland and back in NYC 3 weeks ago. For those 2 weeks she was saying she missed me and making plans but last week she said when she said she didn't think we were compatible anymore / different people and didn't have feelings for me no more. Saying we are different people. I simply couldn't understand this bc the previous week she was saying and making future plans and saying how important I was and how no one has ever made her feel the way i do and suddenly she has no romantic feelings anymore. she says we are not right for each other..that she cares for me but romantic feelings gone. She said her family has a history of bad relationships and she knows. I felt if she did feel the way she said she did she would of talked to me but she didn't even give it a chance or try to talk to me. Was I being used ???? . I don't know what to think ???. I'm 35 she's 31

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Unfortunately it sounds like she got caught up in the moment and the excitement of new romance and travel. It sounds like she met someone else to pursue those adventures and travel.

I was coming to NYC for interviews and we spent 2 weeks being together..I had to go back home to Ireland but she came 2 weeks later and we spent another 2 weeks here. last week she said when she said she didn't think we were compatible anymore / different people and didn't have feelings for me no more.
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Let her be. She's told you how she feels, maybe she used you, maybe she can switch feelings off/on. Let her be, let her go. If she comes back begging for another chance, I personally would not proceed. She's already taken you on a roller coaster ride and you're not even a "couple" yet. I say you dodged a bullet.

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Hey..thanks for responding Matt...I don't think it was a trip thing...it's just strange...like all of a sudden we are making plans and then 2 days later she has no feelings and saying I don't make her feel important after saying i always make her feel special

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