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Whats up with these EXs?

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Hi all!


A question for all you guys and well as girls...I could use your input too!


I want to know why EXs want to be friends after a breakup?


My exbf cheated on me and didn't see or talk to each other

for a few months then one day when out of the blue he calls

me. He wants to be friends with me eventhough he's with

another girl now and he doesnt want the other girl to find out

that we've been in contact. Whats the deal with that?


The funny thing is we've been getting along much better now than

we were together. We've even hung out a few times now and

its great. I dont feel the same as I did before since I'm over him

but the friendship between us is good. Should I stay friends with

him? What about the other girl?

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My girlfriend has just currently broke up with me and told me that we should just be friends. I think it is really hard to do this though. I believe ex's can be friends, but it is extremely hard. Both parties must have the same outlook on what they each want the relationship to become. I know that I still want to be with my ex, but I am doubting it will happen. She wants me to move on with my life. We have major differences right now so I don't believe this "friends" thing is going to work out in the long-run. I think he probably wants to be friends with you again because he wants to see if anything can happen between you two again. As for him not telling his current g/f; well, he probably figures that if she knew then she might question their relationship. You shouldn't hesitate to tell your current b/f though. Tell him that you are just friends and things that have happened are way in the past. If he can't trust you, then he shouldn't be worth your time. Well...I hope I have helped out...Buh-bye!

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The funny thing is we've been getting along much better now than

we were together.


Hiya GeeGirl,


Same things happened with me, it seems we got along better as "friends", weird aint it? He didn't cheat on me but as soon as we broke up some other girl had already took my place! I felt like it was a job lol!! I guess they wanna be "friends" so that they don't feel so guilty about dumping you? I think that's the reason my ex had anyways, *sigh*, good luck!

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Why do ex's want to be friends after "cheating" on you? or breaking up with you? the reason is very simple.


by you agreeing to being friends with them after what they have done to you, helps them believe that what they did to you was not "that bad" , after all, your still willing to forget and forgive and even be friends, so this just makes them feel better about what they did.


and of course, the obvious, if things dont go well with the new partner, they have a "chance" with the Ex. if they remain "friends" after a breakup.

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