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I was supposed to go the Chicago Cubs baseball game today with my ex-girlfriend. She promised me a week in advance, but this morning she called an told me she couldn't go. She said she would be uncomfortable going today. Also, she wasn't feeling good and it wasn't the best of days weather wise. I told her I understood and that it was okay. So now I had no one to go to the game with. All my friends were either working or they couldn't go either. I decided I was going to go by myself and I told her this. When I told her this, she started crying. She told me I couldn't go alone and that it would hurt her if I went. Still, I told her that I wanted to go. I mean, the Yankees are in town. It's not going to happen until a long time from now. She kept insisting that I should just stay home today and watch the game on television. Then, she asked me if I wanted to go to her house and watch the game there. I figured that this was probably because she felt bad that I was going to Chicago by myself, with no one.

I don't know what to think about this situation. I am not going to the game, but I don't know if I should go over to her house. Ironically, the reason we broke up was because she told me she needed to experience life more and I was controlling her life sometimes. Well, now she seems to be the one controlling me as of now. I don't know what to do. Should I go to her house today? If so, how should I act around her? I need advice on what I should do. I miss her so much, but I can't help thinking it may be best to just not see her today. Any help would be deeply appreciated...Thank you!

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Go to the game by yourself

You leave her crushed. She's all by herself, crying. She may've been confused and lonely. She may've wanted someone to comfort her. Or not.


Go to her house.

She's happy. Or perhaps she's mad, because she thought you would go by yourself. Let's just stick with happy. She's happy. You two begin to talk. She tells you what's bothering her or there's nothing wrong at all, she just misses you. You tell her how you feel. I'm sure you can figure out the rest.


Stay home and watch the game on television.

Do as she insists. It may be good that you stay home. Then again, she might feel crushed, because you didn't go to her house. But do as she insists. Perhaps you could call her; talk to her on the phone. Maybe it will lead to you coming over and talking face to face.


I don't know if that helps any, but I tried. The best advice I can give is "take a chance."


^_^ I hope it works out for you (and her).

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Well, I really think you need to talk to her. Ask her WHY it would hurt her if you went. Ask her what the Real reason for her not wanting to go is. I can't really tell you which to do, but listen to your heart. Listen to your brain. Do as they say, not as your ex-gf says. If they say go to her house, go. If htey say stay, stay. If they say go to the game, go to the game! Take a hot shower and weigh the pros and cons. Just mull over it for a while and I think the answer will come to you. I think you already know what it is, you just need to give in to YOURSELF!

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