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More than friends?

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I have been single for a little while now and I am unsure of this. I have read theories that women either see you as a friend or lover and the two never meet. Is this true?


I am very attracted to a woman who is very close to me, I am attracted to her. Is it possible she is attracted to me? I can wait, I am not desperate for a relationship but, is it possible that we can ever go from close friends to lovers, or is that unlikely.


She kind of knows how I feel about her, but I have never tried anything at all. What is your opinion?

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I know it has existed, I am sure that you can fall in love with someone, even your best friend. There is a theory that this is not possible, that women will either like you as a friend or as a lover and never the twain shall meet.


It never sounded right to me, but I thought that maybe its true. I dont want to rush into anything anyway, but we are so close and I didn't know whether I had to make a move or whether its okay for me to just stay friends for long time, until the time is right.


I feel that she and I are destined to be together, she does as well, but whether it be as friends or lovers, I dont know.


So, it is possible to move from being a friend to a lover? There is no firnedship zone that you get stuck in by women?

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Yes I have heard of that theory and there can be some truth to it but it doesnt have to be true. Its dependent on the relationship that the female in question has with you. Wtih some people you have that kind of connection with and with others you are just friends with, if she feels that kind of connection then its possible to be more than friends. We do like to see things as cut and and dry because it can make things easier. Usually if she is interested in you there are going to be some kind of signals that she is interested.

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I think the point behind the saying is that there is a certain point at which, for whatever reason, the girl concludes that she is NOT attracted to you sexually. You may be her friend, but that's all it will be.


So long as there is attraction, there is the possibility of more, friends or not.

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it can definitely ahppen in fact i think many great and long lasting relationships can eventuate because you know each other so well. I mean you know all the things u love about them and all their habbits and everything and you still like them. I've been in your situationand its hard because you dont want to do anything that might jepordise the relationships. I see two different possibilties..1) you take a chance now. i'm not sure how old u are but be careful that you are mature enough and are looking for that something special before you start it. For me i knew i really liked this guy but i also knew that i was too young to want anything really serious and long term and i didnt want to lose my friend when or if we broke up. Many people would argue this was stupid and in a wasy i see it was cause he is now in a long term relationship of 3 years, i still think it wouldnt have worked out then though. or 2) Wait until the perfect time in your lie presents itself..granted that may never happen...i'm still waiting but who knows, if its meant to be its meant to be.

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When you start off as friends not looking for anything and let the attraction and relationship grow naturally, it turns out to be the best relationships. The core of any good relationship is friendship, and you've already got that covered. You know each other really well so you don't have to worry about the getting to know each other phase. You have seen each other at your best and worse, through good times and bad. Yet you still like each other and are willing to take things further. So yes, fiends can be lovers.

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When you start out as friends then move into something else it turns out to be the best relationship...


for the girl.


In those relationships she feels less pressure to put out. Hooray.


She gets a "best friend", and you get a "best friend that I'm spending all my money on and not getting any..."


but the best part is you snuggle a lot.


Oh, and as an added bonus, you're usually the sucker who ends up marrying her and sticking with her no matter how much weight she puts on.


You are such a good friend. Women need more friends like you.

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