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It's finally over.

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After 7 months of holding on to hope, I finally got the answer. it's been a long journey with ups and downs and almost working things out. She told me today that she'll never be with me again. I also saw the person she's kind of seeing. I don't even know how to feel right now. What do I do to help myself feel better. I still can't believe I've lost her for good. We were in a very long deep loving relationship that I self sabotaged. I feel so alone and sad. I just want to feel good again, but I feel a piece of my heart will always be missing. I realized too late that she meant the world to me.

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It just takes time...I know it's hard now. I'm going through something similar, my first serious boyfriend broke up with me a little over a month ago and it's been really tough. (Especially since he didn't handle the break up maturely at all and there was lots of bitterness in the end) but I'm slowly starting to feel better. You just gotta give it time and know that things WILL get better. It may take awhile, but things will get better. Try and keep yourself busy. Take up a new hobby, go out with friends or family, surround yourself with positive people who will let you vent when you need to. You won't always feel this way, I promise. Good luck!

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Every day you will feel a bit better. I had almost exactly the same situation. I am in week 6 now. My world collapsed. Couldn't eat, sleep. Catching sleep is still somewhat difficult with the constants thaughts of her and that other man. But i have to say, week 6, sometimes i even caught myself smiling again. It's really getting better everyday. Try to focus on other things, i know it's difficult. Force your thaughts to something else, but give yourself some time to grieve first. Throw everything of her out. I did that, i even burnt a chair she baught me once. It felt good and bad at the same time, but i was cutting the ties. Try to remember why you sabotaged it, i did it too. There was a reason for that, she just wasn't the perfect girl for you. In the end when they dump you and you were holding on, you only see the nice things and moments. Try to write down all the moments and reasons you sabotaged it. In your mind, try to picture your dream woman, who is different than her. It's hard but its reality. Be strong and take care of yourself.

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