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HELP!!! Really confused about my future =/

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I am so confused about my future, all I know is I want to live a happy life, I dont care about being rich, but I dont want to be just getting by. I want to live comftorably. Over the past few months I have really tried making some big changes in my life and get things on track.


I have really thought about being a Social Worker working with troubled teens. I feel by what I have experienced in my life that I could really relate to teens that are going through similar experiences that I did. My best friend is three years younger then me but we have a friendship alot of people wish they had. I feel the reason that we are so close is because we've been friends since we were kids and we always tried to help eachother with our problems.


I never really did well in school because for most my teen years I never really cared about life, I just went through it because I had no choice. Many times I thought about suicide but always chickened out (which was a good thing!!). I never made any effort to become something because most my life I was neglected and put down. It seemed I wasnt even worth picking on I just went through school like I didnt exist. When I finally got out of highschool (barely graduating), I took a year off to maybe work and make some extra cash before thinking about college since back then I really thought there was nothing I was good for. So I ended up getting a full-time job which I am currently at.


Over the past few weeks I've really thought about my future and where I might want to go. As I said earlier I was really leaning toward Social Work or my other choice was an Auto Mechanic, also something I am really interested in knowing but have no idea about fixing cars =/. Lately I've been leaning alittle away from the Social Work idea because of what I have read on the net. In order to be a Social Worker you really have to put yourself at risk, you're playing with other peoples personal lives and that can be a real challenge. I know that I would feel really rewarded if I could make a difference in someone elses life and be thanked for it. My best friend which I mentioned earlier he also from gr.9 to gr.11 did really bad in school and after knowing what I experienced with my high school years we ended up having some real deep conversations and guess what, he is now an Honor Role student and is planning to become an Architect. He told me that I was a really important person in his life and doesnt know what he would do without me. I cant even explain the feeling that I get from that but it's good knowing that I made a difference.


My problem though is that myself as a person am still very insecure about who I am and dont open up to strangers unless they come to me first. Reason for this is because I have trusted alot of people growing up only to get stabbed in the back. And as a result has left me very paranoid and have a very hard time trusting people. I dont know if I would be ready to pursue a career in this field until I can be more open about who I am and trust again.


If anyone here has experience in the Social Work field and could maybe give me their input or even some sites to check out that have testimonials or information on Social Work would be really appreciated, thanks for taking the time to read this

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I know about trusting people, yes you can get hurt. But on another note if you put up walls then you block others from getting in. I have found that just take things slow with little or know expectations and be willing to take some risks. remember the old saying, "No risk no reward"


Also remember you are still very young, and really will have many choices and doors that will open for you, as long as your willing to knock on those doors. You really have the whole world ahead of you.............


Social work could be a rewarding profession for sure, I can tell you you won't get rich in that feild if money is an issue at all. I personally like the auto mechanic choice, only because it is a great industry. cars will be here for a very long time to come. A friend of mine knew nothing about fixing cars, went to school for it, and specialized in transmissions only.

I have known this guy for years and he now makes close to $500 a day and does not put in that many hours and know one messes with him. My daughter was going to become a social worker at one time, and decided different after she talked to some case workers. You might try going to your local community and setting up an appointment and talk to someone that actually does the work. That way you can get the real scoop, and see what you need to accomplish in school to be accepted. Stay open to trust, because without it we have nothing in relationships, someday the right person will come along. Good Luck, in whatever you cuoose, I'm sure it will be the right choice.


Warm Regards






Coffee, Coffee, I need some coffee it is 5 am here.......

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This is completely off-topic, but something really bothers me about when people say they were going to commit suicide and "chickened out." I have said it before as well when I tell people about my own suicidal period, so I am guilty of this as well. But suicide is not an act of bravery, in fact, the fact that you didn't go through with is is the courageous thing, so I don't know why we use that terminology...


Anyway, back on topic, I agree with kuhl. Talking to people who are currently in the field is a great idea. If you do decide to go back to college, take classes in stuff you are interested in now. It's a great way to find out if you really want to be working with the information you will need to do your job.


But keep in mind that you need to take chances and do what you like. I am currently at a job that pays "minimum wage" for this country and the qualifications I have... and I am doing a lot better than just getting by. Yes, after being hurt so many times in life, it can be hard to trust others, and you sound like you are on the right path for you. But the one thing you must always trust is yourself. It will mean taking chances, figuring out whether you should listen to your heart or your head, and it will probably mean falling short of your expectations once in a while. But there is a nice proverb for that here in Japan... "if you fall off of a horse 7 times, get back on 8 times"... or something like that. Never give up and pursue what it is that interests you and trust me, you will find where you belong.

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Yeah - I wouldn't say that you chickened out - life is tough and I'm glad that you're still here to face it.


Have you looked at local trade schools to be an auto mechanic? The good thing about that is that you can take that job with you anywhere. Whereas if you are a social worker, I think you are only licensed in that state. If you move, you have to get a new certification (I believe). (It's just something to think about.)


Yeah - 20, you're still really young. I know tons of people who didn't know what they wanted, and then they went back to college in their late 20s, 30s, and some older. I know a guy who was 50 who went back to get a Master's. And, those were always the most focused students, because they had a clear idea of what they wanted. Now that you don't "have to" be in school anymore, you may find that you like it better.


Well - good luck!!!

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My mom was going to be a social worker when she went back to college. She ended up going to law school and becoming a lawyer. She feels she helps people much more in that capacity, plus the money is better, and you don't get burned out as much as you in the social work field.


Just a thought...

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I dont think I have the qualifications to be a lawyer. I told you I just barely got out of high school and I never took any real serious courses I just always took the general ones like math, english, gym. I believe you need a quite good education to become a lawyer.


Oh and thank you everyone for your replies appreciate the information

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Well - you don't walk out of high school ready to be a lawyer - or a social worker for that matter. You need to go to college for both of them, before you even enter law school, or a social work program. If you have a desire to learn, you can do it. I promise, college is much better taught than high school.

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hello Blayzed4Life, you're really not alone. Im sorry and please allow me to use ur tread coz I cant open another tread if the point are the same as you have.


My self almost at the same position as you're.

I have been work as secretary before I move to States but when start look for job I found work at food industry more easy then working in the office. Then I get a baby and stay home for a year and back in track but this time I work at warehouse as inspector/sorter/rework for auto parts and I really enjoy it. While I do this job sometime I work side by side with the people that work on the assembler line and now Im interesting to do the same with them.

Beside they get pay way better then I do because not just I work from temporary staffing and they work directly from BMW manufacturing.


I try to look around to the technical college in my city to find out if they have any course that I could take to upgrade my knowledge so I could apply for that job too. But they don't any special course for BMW car just for general auto repair. Im look really look for engineer type just associate degree or any certificate course.

If anybody knew any information about this please with me. Thank you so much in advandce.

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Well it sounds like you have a plan, and that is always a really good thing. I would suggest find a way to get back in school and get on the Honor Roll yourself. Forget about the past, you can't change it, so so what. Do what is best for you right now. try being a little more out going and make some new friends in person. And remember you always have friends here. Forget all that crap in the past, you are bigger than that you are bigger than the people that hurt you.....you made it you are still here. They say if it does not kill us, it makes us stronger......Do you know what I believe that. My daughter married a really good guy and he is an architect, and that is a great field......but he was in school, finished then went on to get his masters. I think it is great you want to help people, I love helping people, however social work is really low pay and allot of headaches. I think you should focus on you and you alone right now until you get the strength that you have inside to make the leap. You said you are already making changes and that is a really good thing. I wish you luck my friend, stay in touch.


Happy Easter





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OK...school...I went back to school after 4 years off...during that time I had a baby....now I've been a single parent for 11 years....


FIRST, I've always wished I had gone to trade school, gotten a 2-year degree, and had a good paying job while I went to 4-year college. You might consider starting as a mechanic, then going onto something you're more passionate about...and it seems that working with at-risk youth is what you're passionate about...By the way, that is also what I love to do, because like you, I didn't have the greatest time as a teenager....


which leads me to the next part


SECOND, If you're going to go to a university to obtain a degree working as a social worker or psychologist or whatever, there are 2 things to understand...one is that when you go to a university, you have the opportunity to take a lot of different subjects, and in some way, you learn something about yourself from each one...this is why I majored in Psychology...I learned a lot about myself and those around me.... The second part of this section is...understand that to make any money working with troubled youth...you need at least a masters degree...so be prepared to go to school for both your undergraduate degree and a masters degree...it's DO-ABLE!!! Go for it if you think you'll love it!


One of the last things to consider is what I opened with...don't get yourself too involved in any real committments yet, esp children, because that only makes it that much harder to reach your goals...it can still happen, but it's very difficult...


I hope this input helps...I've got my bachelors' degree in Psych and have worked with troubled youth...but was unprepared for where a bachelor's degree would actually get me....Now I'm struggling and will have to go back to school....


Best of luck...these decisions are tough...



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