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one of my closest friends is really getting on my nerves. shes using the excuse that ive been paying more attention to my bf than to her, and im pretty sure that's not the case. i try to make it so we always together in a group or something, so they're both there. i think i pay just as much attention to her as i do to him, and i think she is overreacting. i dont want to break this friendship, but i do want to know how to convince her that im still just as concered with her. how can i>

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It's only natural for a friend to get jealous when you have someone new enter your life, especially a boyfriend/girlfriend.


It sounds like you're doing all you can to reassure her that you're still friends and that she's still important.


If she's a true friend, she'll understand, and be happy for you.

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I would suggest you divide your time fairly among both of them.


I am not suggesting you should have 1 day with him, and another 1 day with her, that sort of fairness.


But i always believe that when you are single, without a bf with you, you spend quite a lot of private moments with her.


Yes, it may be due to adjustments she is in need of to change herself, and you need private moments with your bf as well. Dun diminish the whole thing, try to go shopping with her alone, without your bf and see how things go.


If she really dun like your bf, she will tell you so.

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If I'm reading you right, then you aren't spending any one-on-one time with her- is that right? She probably wants that.


I'm like your friend in that I notice when I'm spending quality time with a friend, or when it's just general time in a group.

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