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Well folks, the most interesting thing has happened to me, and I am in need of the advice of all my good friends, who join me in coming to this great forum to express ourselves as human beings, not our problems with being them. If that doesnt make sense to others, I will explain, but I just want everyone here to know that I have never ever thought of this place as somewhere I could discuss my problems with life, but only a place where I can feel, HUMAN. SO....


Last Friday I was out with a friend. A good friend. That one friend that you can talk to about ANYTHING. I let him know that for NO APPARENT REASON, I had been thinking about my High School sweetheart. The one girl who I KNOW THAT I HAVE LOVED, and that I will always LOVE. (I can't say that I know for sure if I have ever loved anybody else.) 10 years have gone by since we dated. A whole decade, and I love her just the same. SO I had spoken to him about her and let him know that I had been wondering of a way to get in touch with her after all these years and catch up. He said that if I really wanted to talk to her that badly, that I definitely knew that it would be easy since I am still friends with her sister. But I didnt want to go about it that way. I didnt want to go around in any sneaky way in order to make such a thing happen.


Now, I have seen her quite a few times passing by over the last 10 years. But only quick conversations, and a quick hug goodbye. And that was that. In those 10 years, shes been married and divorced, and I engaged once and that never led to marriage. I used to call her every year on her birthday until the year that she got married. But after she got divorced, I always saw her around town. I never wasked her for her number. I always kept the mentality that SHE IS A PART OF THE PAST. Let her be the past, and let her be. but....


Back to last friday, and the last couple of weeks where I had just randomly been thinking about her a lot. Well, last night I went out for St. Patty's, and wouldn't you know it, but she was there. ME and my friend (the one I talked to last week about her with) go and talk to her and her friend for quite a while. We quickly caught up, talked about a few things. What took me most by surprise, was that she actually touched up on some private things that only her and I know about, and it made me wonder quite a bit about her doing it. Now I in no way think that she might be interested in dating, but I did fir the first time in over 6 years, ask her for her number, AND SHE GAVE IT TO ME! I am just wondering, because of the extreme circumstances, I am CLUELESS as to how to ask THIS girl out. Anybody got any thoughts? Anyone think it would be pathetic to ask her out? I actually jjsut wanna go out, reminice, and see what happens? Is this stuff normal? How should I ask her out? What is a safe, innocent thing to do with a situation like this?


I wonder if fate is involved with this encpounter last night.

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Absolutely ask her out. An amazing numbe rof people hook up with high school sweethears and make a go of a relationship. I read an article about it some time ago with examples, and explaining why it is successful (a lot of unhappy marriiages are ended this way at highschool reunions)


My friend recently moved in with he h/s g.f after twenty years apart

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I would die for a chance like this with my HS


Weird thing is I find myself thinking about her more then my current ex even lately. Even during the relationship with my current ex and stuff i even thought about her and dreamed about her. I just wana pick up the phone and call her... but i dont think im ready for that.


Go for IT!

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I think about my HS sweetheart often. He was my first love and I still get butterflies whenever I see him. He's unhappily married and I know we could get together if I wanted to, but we weren't a good match then and he doesn't seem to have changed. We were both too strong willed and easy to temper.


I would say though, that you should definitely ask her out. Take it slow, see where it goes. Call her up and tell her you had such a good time talking on St. Patty's day that you'd like to get together to do it again.


Good luck! I hope it works out!

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What a great story!!


I don't think there is anything wrong in how you still feel about her. You obviously were very close, and the relationship meant a lot to you. Most of us never forget our "first", or high school sweethearts, but in your case, the fact that you still see her around, and still feel for her makes me think that you should definitely talk to her and see how she feels.


You could go about it subtly by just asking her out to talk about old times, and to catch up with how your lives are going. I really don't think that she would be against that in any way. I bet she'd love to do that.


Don't let fear stand in the way of your happiness.


Good luck!!!

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What's up Dallasite?


That's cool what's happened to you.


Call it fate or whatever you want.

What's important now is to just be smooth and let things flow naturally between the both of you.


I think asking her to lunch is a great way to catch up.

Dinner can be left for the possible 1st date. Believe it or not most people tend to think dinner is for more intimate conversations than lunch.

That's why I suggest lunch. It's more informal you could say. I don't remember where I read or heard all of this but it makes sense to me.


Anyways one major advantage that you have is that you both already know each other and have history together. At the same time there's alot of catching up to do. So yeah just be cool about it and take things day by day now.


Best of luck to you

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i havent called her yet. I am still a little chicken. When is a good tme to call her? I ran into her on THUR night, is two days later too early to call her. This isnt a swingers question, just for this PARTICULAR girl because of the circumstances. Hook a brother up with some insight!

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Wish me luck everyone, I am going to call her this afternoon. I am simply gonna make it short, ask her to a nice lunch, and then see what happens.


This girl is thus far, the love of my life, almost the entire make-up of what kind of man I am in relationships, all floats back to my love for her. How I treat women, what I think of them, and what true love is, is all based on stems from this girl.


I am hoping for an accepted great time, and one a decade in the making!


Thank you all for your support.



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