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Posion Of My Heart


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Just so yall no this is a poem conserning me and my best friend.

Me thinking of how i really feel inside


The Poison Of My Heart


You once told me u cared

I can't believe what u say ne more

I hate u now for all that u have done

U used to say we were best friends

We used to be there 4 each other

Now…what has happened to that wonderful friendship?

The one I still secretly yearn to have back?

I used to know u and now…who the f*ck r u?

All u do now is make me cry

Make me feel like I was the bad one who did something wrong

When I now know was u….u were always to busy or never around

I can't even turn to u when I need now

This may be the first time we fought but I know that its 4 the best

That we shouldn't be friends

What do expect?

U think that u can keep treating me like sh*t and get away with it?

Y would I want to be there 4 u now?

U can shove all yur promises

Because I don't even want to hear it

I know that u never cared and just lied to me

I thought what we had was great

I want things to be the same again

I want things to be happy but not when u treat me like dirt

Things r different and might never change

I have kept these words of poison inside 4 to long

The words have oozed from my heart

The poison inside my heart that I have kept hidden for a while

Truth now be told and no longer be hidden

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