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Upcoming weekend - have you set your plans?

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Hi guys, I'm just curious how everyone is planning on spending their weekends, whether you're going the NC route or not with your ex. Right now it's been 9 days of NC for me. Today was my ex's birthday. It took all of my willpower not to contact him and wish him a happy birthday.


Tomorrow I'll be enjoying a day off from work and school (yay!), but will probably be putting in applications in the morning for a second job in order to fill my weekends more now. Plus I have more free time to make more money, always a good thing!


Friday I will be busy finishing up my midterms. Perhaps Friday evening I will go out with some of the girls to have a few drinks, to catch up and relax. Saturday night I've been invited to a birthday party and I look forward to that very much.


I'm trying desperately to keep my mind focused and off my relationship woes, although they are always lingering in the background of my mind. I hope to keep myself busy this weekend and divert some of my attention on some more fun things. I want to really concentrate on surrounding myself with great friends.


I would love to hear what you guys will be doing this weekend. How are you all coping thus far?

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Hey there.


Well another week its almost over, another week of NC... Almost 3 month now. Guess someone can say "Hurrah" for me....



I'm not expecting much from this weekend. Only going to the cinema next saturday and have a few drinks with friends. Guess it will be more relaxing this one.


Hi guys, I'm just curious how everyone is planning on spending their weekends, whether you're going the NC route or not with your ex. Right now it's been 9 days of NC for me. Today was my ex's birthday. It took all of my willpower not to contact him and wish him a happy birthday.


Jaela, so today is your ex birthday huh? Well my ex didn't remind herself of my birthday and i didn't care much about it. I think it's for the best not to tell anything, specially since you are still fresh in NC.


Everyone, enjoy as much as you can and try to let go of the sad things. Life is short. Enjoy it as much as you can.


Take care all.

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It's great how you guys keep track of each other's weekends here! Jaela, ugh... birthdays are really horrible. Maybe it helps to think it's not just HIS birthday today. It's just another day in your life.


Bibora HURRAY!!!! Keep going strong, no!? Enjoy your weekends. Might I add it's only THURSDAY? lol. Still two days of work


If you feel really down, re-read the sticky posting on this forum. It helped me laugh at myself at the darkest moments.



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thx ilse Although i dunno if i'm being strong or just stuborn


Ah damn, you are right... For a moment there i thought it was friday... Weather here is getting all of the sudden extremelly hot and i just wish i could be in a bar drinking something and chatting with friends... Damn too bad its still thursday...


i haven't read that post completely but i'm already calling myself an idiot for all the things i've put myself over for her... (ah nevermind this)


Have a nice weekend guys and gals!

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