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Just walked out on a date


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ManyDates, what did she say to you in the email?


She said "I am going to get you" - I told her she was a drunk and needs AA instead.


Then she went on about me leaving on the bill (lol) and that I was not good enough for her (after telling me I was hot and inviting me back to her place during the "date")


Just a nut job - nothing today, must have sobered up.

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Just a nut job - nothing today, must have sobered up.


Either that or she's woken up naked on a boat to Morocco without any papers or identification, handcuffed, and with a penis drawn on her forehead in permanent marker.


But hey, I couldn't blame her. We've all been there. I know I have.

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She said "I am going to get you" - I told her she was a drunk and needs AA instead.


Then she went on about me leaving on the bill (lol) and that I was not good enough for her (after telling me I was hot and inviting me back to her place during the "date")


Just a nut job - nothing today, must have sobered up.


Yikes and triple yikes!!!

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This is a first for me - I was waiting at the pub when a woman at least 20 years older than her pictures showed up, and she knew the waitress because that's where she meets "all her men" she tells me. She was also already drunk, and started ordering drinks like they were going out of style - she had just ordered her 6TH! When I said I have to get going. I hand the waitress a $10 on her way by for my one beer and tell her to keep the change. Drunky then goes "you can't leave me here I didn't bring any money and men always pay for my drinks". I said I am sorry that's all I brought (obviously not true, but she's nuts to think I am going to pay for her booze-fest, each drink was likely $8 a pop minimum).


As she started freaking out and raising her voice I said "oh wait, I left my CC in the car, I'll be right back"


Man it felt good getting outta that one!!!



Good for you but what on Earth is a CC?

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