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Potential trouble between current fling and ex.Need advice


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You can't help how you feel right now, but you CAN decide not to give them (yes, them) any more money. If you do, you are choosing to be a sucker. Even if their power did get turned off, so what?? That's their responsibility, not yours. She's playing on your feelings with this "poor me" routine, and you're falling for it. She is not a good person. Feel however you want to feel about her, but just stop with the handouts, that is the first and most crucial step. Otherwise it's going to be YOUR power that gets turned off, and you'll be sitting in the dark while she's spending time with her husband. I can't stand people who heartlessly take advantage of others, but when the victim is willing, well.... sympathy starts to run dry. Sorry, but it's time to wake up here.

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I'm trying to pick up the pieces and move on with my life.My head tells me that i'm not going to get the outcome that I want which is her leaving her husband for me .(unless something happens to him but that doesn't seem likely to occur) So i should find someone else not already attached to another.Sigh My heart is stubborn like its always been its still wants to keep my married lady friend in my life hoping that someday my wishes will come true.

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I'm trying to pick up the pieces and move on with my life.My head tells me that i'm not going to get the outcome that I want which is her leaving her husband for me .(unless something happens to him but that doesn't seem likely to occur) So i should find someone else not already attached to another.Sigh My heart is stubborn like its always been its still wants to keep my married lady friend in my life hoping that someday my wishes will come true.


But do you REALLY want someone who would leave her husband for you? I would be being pretty harsh about the whole cheating aspect, but you claim he's okay with it. If he is, then that's weird, but I guess that's on him if he doesn't mind his wife hitting it up with other men. Given that she's a stripper, I guess it makes sense he wouldn't mind, or else he wouldn't be married to a stripper. But whatever. This woman is of low character, and if she left her husband for you (which isn't going to happen), she would one day leave you for someone else as well. Do you really want someone you have to share with others? Because that's how it would be. She's obviously not a faithful, monogamous person.


I understand the struggles between mind and heart, really I do. I think what seems to be at issue the most here, though, is low self-worth. You don't feel like you can find anyone else. That's why you probably need to go to therapy and work through that. There really are single women out there who might like to be in a relationship with you, you just have to find them. "Dating" (or whatever this is) someone who is already attached is scraping the bottom of the barrel.

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