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1/2 way through the semester & she's caught my attention

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Ok I am half way through my spring semester at college and I've noticed this girl who sits two seats to the right of me. We've never talked to each other and I have a feeling she might be shy, but not sure. I rare ever hear her talk so I'm guessing she is shy. She also hardly ever smiles. The last couple of times that the teacher has handed out lecture terms or handouts for us to read I've noticed that she has smiled at me when I hand her the handouts and today she smiled and said thank you on two different occasions. Is she just being friendly or is there some small chance she might like me? She's never said thank you before in the past, until today.


In some way she has gotten my attention and I'm intrested in getting to know her more, but not sure how to go about doing it seeing how I'm shy and I'm thinking she is shy. I'd liked to be able to just talk to her, but since 7 weeks of classes have gone by without us even saying two words to each other, I feel like it would be kind of awkward if I just started talking to her out of the blue. Any advice would help.

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ok - first - don't overanalyze! So she said thanks and smiled. That just means that she has good manners. Not that she is in love with you.


I always say this --- to me, it's very obvious, but since you two have a class together, why don't you ask her to study with you? It's not too strong of a come on, and then you can study with her and get to know her. Then, if things go well, you can ask her to do something with you not related to school! (ie - a date)


Good luck!

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the next time you past her in hallway or in the classroom, just sit next to her and saomething like " hi my name is( ) and it's nice to finally be able to speak to you after 7 weeks of silence! (jokingly), ect, etc.....justbe really friendly with her and have sense of humor about it, but don't appear to be tense and nervous. just let at ease with yourself and so will she. hopefully you two wll strike up a interesting conversations and each lince together or something of that sort....good luck and don't hesitate because causes tension and awkwardness ...onec you muster up the courage go for it!!!

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Yeah I kinda figured that, but since she never smiles, I just figured I'd ask. I think I have seen her playing with her hair before, but not sure if she is doing that to get mine or someone else's attention or if she is just playing with her hair. I've also noticed now and then it's rare, but she will look in my direction. Not sure if she is looking at me or just looking my way, more than likely she's probably just looking my way and not at me. I never get the singals with girls or I get the singals mixed up so it's always hard to tell if a girl likes me or not.

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Smiling and saying thank you isn't a sign that she likes you. But you'll never know for sure unless you talk to her and get to know her. If she is interested, then the only way to find out is to talk to her. Even if she isn't, you can make a new friend and work on not being as shy yourself. Just relax and say hi. Ask if she'd like to study together. Is there any projects that you could work on together? Don't be afraid and just talk to her.

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She could be interested in she plays with her hair and looks at you or in your direction. Women have better eyes than guys meaning they can see better peripherally (read it in a scientific article), so she could be looking at you! Just go over there and talk to her. Hey it's not like high school it's a lot easier since your 27. Good luck man, don't wimp out go for it.

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Ok this might be a dumb question, but I'm going to ask it since I have no idea of the signs that a girls gives that she likes you, but I have a feeling I know the answer to this question, I just want to be sure.


If she plays with her hair, but doesn't look at me while she is doing it, is she just playing with her hair or is she trying to get me to look her way when she does it?


I only ask because I don't want to confuse anyone into thinking that she plays with her hair and looks at me at the same time.

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Well she can if she looks in your direction; doesn't have to be exact but your somewhere inbetween where she's looking and she could possibly see you peripherally or straight out be able to look at you. Like this girl I like likes me too, and she plays with her hair and she's like faking to look at something when she's actually looking at me in her peripheral vision! Hope it helps. (Plus she gave out a bunch of other signs too). The biggest thing to look for while she's doing it is to see if she does it a lot in a minute or 2. Or if she does it everyday.

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I'll have to keep an eye out for that, but I do believe she plays with her hair everytime we have class together, but like I said I don't think she looks at me why she does it or she is looking straight ahead, but there could have been a few times she did play with her hair and was looking in my direction while she was doing it I just didn't know.


The thing that sucks though is that I won't see her for 11 days on the account that we are on spring break from college now and the waiting is just killing me, plus the fact that there are only 10 more classes left before the semester is over and I only see her during our class and no other time and like I said we've been in class for 7 weeks and not said a word to each other.


I know everyone thinks it really easy what I need to do, but being an extremely shy guy around girls, it's never easy to just approach someone, but I'm gonna keep looking for signs and hopefully she is interested, but time will tell.

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Hmm, I read a post on here by someone don't remember who, but it was that girls are more attracted to us. Power To The(shy)People! lol. But being too shy is a bad thing I think. You should express your personality in something that you do. Whether it be music or art or anything. You have to be a little open towards women.

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I can be talkative and outgoing the girl just has to find my comfort zone and once she has found it, the sky is the limit and I can be very talkative and flirtasious just like any other guy. I guess it all depends on the girl. some girls find it quickly and others have no idea and just focus on my shyness and they never find my comfort zone. However with this girl I like I think she could be shy too, but not sure.


On a side note if a girl wants a shy guy to talk, just talk to us, don't focus on our shyness, otherwise it will be a major turn off. At least for me it is if all a girl focuses on is my shyness.

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Well dude, another way (myself being shy but getting over it) you can open up to her is IF you can sit next to her like y'know like a seating arrangement? This way you will be comfortable with her around eventually. Once you become comfortable with her it's going to take some guts to talk to her, but basically sit by her a lot you can open up to her pretty good. Hope this helps.

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Well funny u should say that. Ever since the first day of class I have sat about 2 or 3 seats to the left of her, but today, maybe it's a sign maybe it was just coincidence there were other people who wear sitting where I usually sit from another class that was finishing up as we were coming into our class and I ended up having to sit right next to her.


To all those negative people don't ruin my day by saying "Dude it was just coincidence that you ended up having to sit next to her", lol

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Ok...heres my take


I'm shy myself, but I have found out that it gets you absoultley no where. The only way anything is going to happen is if one of you "breaks the ice" as they call it.


Don't worry about the 7 weeks thing...Hell, I went nearly a year before I spoke to a girl I liked.


You just have to be confident, its one of the things girls like. Heres my suggestion, next time you have class with her, catch her eye and don't look away. Then pass her a smile...if she smiles back your in.


But the thing is you have to talk to her right away..plan it out if you have to..say something like "how are you doing in this class?" along that line. Make sure its an open ended question though.


Oh, and if she doesnt smile back, don't be discouraged



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If I recall there was a time I was looking in her direction as I handed her a handout the teacher was giving out and smiled a bit and she smiled back and she said something, but I don't recall what it was, but I have been trying to think of what to say to her to break the ice or to just plan ans simply ask her if she wants to hang out sometime and get to know each other more, but I think timing is everything.





On a side note if a girl has no rings or any kind of jewlery on her fingers is it a sign that she could be single? I'm just curious becuase I don't think I see her wearing any jewlery on her fingers

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the next time you past her in hallway or in the classroom' date=' just sit next to her and saomething like " hi my name is( ) and it's nice to finally be able to speak to you after 7 weeks of silence! (jokingly), ect, etc.....justbe....[/quote']



try the above...if you are shy and she is shy and she see you making an effort to get to know her better it will get her thinking...


also...sounds like a fun way to break the ice.

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Yeah I've been thinking about what to say to her seeing how we haven't talked and there are only 5 weeks of classes left til the semester is over and the only thing I could think of that might work uis "Hey I know we don't know each other and don't even know each others names, but would you want to hangout sometime and get to know each other?" It might kinda sound lame, but it's all that I could think of without it being too awkward.

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Well I saw her today and had two opporunities to ask her for her phone number and I chickened out, why must I be so shy, lol. It's not like I'm going to die if she says no. Oh well I will see her Wednesday so hopefully I will get the courage to just come out and asker her for her phone number.


I do have a question though and I know I've seen it posted before I jsut don't remember where I've seen it. We were waiting in the hall waiting for the other students in the class to leave and twice I looked to see if she was looking at me and she was both times. I made sure that I made eye contact with her and as soon as we both made eye contact she immediately looked away. What does this mean again?

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