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Havent had a girlfriend in a year...

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I havent had a girlfriend in a little over a year becasue I was trying to find the right one and now it seems like theres not really much to choose from. I have never had a girlfriend that I really liked. I was in love with one girl but she never gave me a chance when ever other girl did... it didnt matter though, i didnt like them...


Now I dont like anyone... but I want to start dating some, can someoen help me?

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try not to "look" for someone like youre picking a puppy from a litter because the outcome will be ugly. Just be yourself and do the normal things that you do and eventually someone will take an interest in you. live your life, the dating game will come at the right time

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I havent had a relationship any deeper than best friends for a year odd too.


Why does it bother you? There is nothing wrong being single, its no sin or anything.


Are you lonely? That makes two of us.


This is the part where people ask why you're single. Look in a mirror and tell yourself out loud what you think of yourself blabla. If its mostly negative, do something about it. If its mostly positive, great.


Whatever it is, go out and chill somewhere you enjoy.


You know what? You might not have a girlfriend, but tell me you dont have friends. Hang out and chill and get to know them even better than how you know them now. Your time will come. Just remember to sieze the opportunities that come by.




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Your 15, you have plenty of time to find a girlfriend. What you should be doing is focusing on yourself right now, exploring who you are as an individual, finding things and activities that interest you, even thinking about college in a few years. Once you are confident you know who you are, then you'll be better prepared to have a girlfriend later on.


And remember, it's better to wait for someone that is right for you and whom you truly want to be with, then to just settle for someone so you won't be lonely.

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