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Hi all. I've got a friend who is getting to be more and more of a motor mouth. She can't seem to stop talking. In a 10-minute conversation with her, she'll talk 9.5 minutes. It's starting to drive me nuts because it's just so rude.


The thing is, she knows she talks too much. She says, "I talk too much," but then she keeps doing it. She's got a lot of stress in her life, but no more than any of the rest of us. I can't NOT hang out with her, because she and another friend and I meet up regularly.


Thanks for letting me vent. If anyone has suggestions, I'm all ears!!

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You should try to talk with her, not to her.


You can try agreeing with her in everything and get a chance to talk a bit more, if possible pre-empt what she is going to say and say it for her.

And then you can gradually shift the topic to you and you share personal experiences of stress with her and how you cope with it.

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I still love her because she's my friend, but it can be annoying sometimes when you have something you really want to say, but by the time you get the chance to squeeze something in you've forgotten what it was!


LOL! I know the feeling. Also, sometimes I sit there wondering when she is going to take a breath. It's amazing because she keeps going and going and going...

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Shove a sock in her mouth lol


Why is talking so much a bad thing? I always assumed it was good to be able to talk and keep doing it...unless what you're talking about is totally irrelevant then yeah...maybe.


What I can't stand is when people talk and you try to get some words in and they just carry on. Stupid people

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Why is talking so much a bad thing? I always assumed it was good to be able to talk and keep doing it...unless what you're talking about is totally irrelevant then yeah...maybe.


Oh, I do think talking is a good thing. It's just when the person goes from topic to topic without a breath or without letting you even comment. That's when I get annoyed.


Maybe I have a short attention span (lol!) but I start getting annoyed when a person has been talking nonstop for more than a couple of minutes. To me, that's not a conversation, it's a monologue. I mean, most people are rarely THAT entertaining that I want to just sit and listen to them yammer away.


I've noticed that motor mouths throw in a lot of unnecessary stuff too. It's charming in small quantities, I guess, but sometimes I wonder if it's all an act, a persona. Oh well, not to be too critical. Just some observations. 8)

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