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Ex-girlfriend/new interest questions

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hey guys,


ok so a few days ago i broke up with my girlfriend of six months because we fought all of the time, there was no alone time for just the two of us, and a bunch of other reasons. Being her first boyfriend, she didnt take it so hot and was crying pretty bad for 2 days during school/at home etc. I had offered to be her friend and went out of my way to console her and talk to her to try and make her feel a little bit better (mistake?) but she would have none of it saying that it was an all or nothing situation.


After i told her that i really wanted to just be friends for awhile she started getting REALLY mean, she asked for all of her CD's back, wouldnt look at or talk to me in the halls, ran away whenever i tried to say hello, and just generally gave me a mean attitude towards everything. I was still just doing friendly contact to make sure she was ok. well after the 2nd day of being treated like i wasn't alive i decided to say to hell with her and gave my number to a girl who i had often caught looking at me and who always seems to pop up beside me when im walking and turn her head back to see if im looking or something i dont know.


This evening my ex calls me up crying hysterically because she just wants me to talk to her because shes never hurt this bad before in her life and cant believe that im not hurting as bad as she is. So my anger sort of goes away and i talk to her and try to make her feel better for about another hour until she isnt crying so much anymore. Then we start talking a little and i asked her what she would do if she saw me with another girl. She said she would be jealous and probably cry again because that would mean i didn't love her anymore. This has me feeling really crappy until she mentions that theres another boy she thinks is cute and describes him but doesnt mention his name or anything, just that she walks by him once a day and thinks hes cute. Being a fool i bit into what im assuming was a jealousy trick? (clarify me on that one im not too sure) and told her about the girl i had given my number to. She got quiet and said she wished people wanted her number so that she could get over me as quickly as i had obviously gotten over her.


I told her that the newer interest hadn't called me yet and she said well of course not eric shes probably scared to death your supposed to ask her for HER number not give her yours. Yeah i guess i could buy that but what are the chances that a girl is scared to call a guy she thought was good looking (judging by the smiling and giggling that was done when i gave her the piece of paper with my information).


So i guess to recap my 2 questions are:

1) Was mentioning a nameless, gradeless, face in the hallway a jealousy trick to try and get me to want my ex back?


2) Is it possible that i wasn't called because she was just scared? Or maybe didn't like me as much as i thought...or maybe (probably) the fact that i should have asked for her number and thereforeeee ruined the whole approach.


Thanks for any help you guys can give.



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Right lets staert up the top and work our way down i think that your ex is being the way she is coz she wants you to hurt just as much as she is right now just give her now and she will come round in the end i cant tell u how long this will take coz all girls are diffrent just keep being her friend thats all you can really do. i do think that she was making it up about the other boy to try and hurt you. now about this other girl, girls do find it hard to phone boys as every girl wants the boy to run after them not the other way round. but i do think that it might be a bit soon for u to be seeing others girls as you dont want this to just be coz you are not with your ex anymore and you are only getting with this other girl coz you dont want to be on your own coz that would not be fair on anyone not you not this girl or not your ex so i think before you rush into anything i need to think about what you really want or even who you really want take your time to work this out and then hopefully no one will get hurt hope that every thing works out good for all of your let us no bye for now

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