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he gave me his ph# instead of asking mine

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Hi there


A few days ago, a guy (I never had seen him before) approached me in school. He said that I was looking pretty! We had a small talk and then he gave me his # and asked me to call him sometime so that we can get together.

I never called him back as I had read somewhere that the guy who gives yoy his #, is not really ready to pursue you. And in the end you end up doing most of the work and get hurt !!!!!


Is this true or its no big deal?

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Well I personally don't accept numbers from guys I give them mine b/c you give them the option of calling or not..if they do they do and if they don't they just don't. But you took his number so maybe you should call and when you do give him your number and see how it goes from there.

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Call him and chat a bit.. keep it brief and give him your number. See if he contacts you after that--if he is genuinely interested he will. He might have just been nervous and forgot to get your number.

Try not to worry too much about it.


Have fun!

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The guy gave you his number, because he wants you to call.


I've done this when I think a woman will feel more comfortable knowing mine, instead of giving me hers. Nothing wrong with you calling, just don't ask to see him. Wait for him to ask you and call once or twice at most before asking him to call you. If you call and leave a message, there is nothing wrong with that.


To jsut think that this guy went out of his way to come talk to you, then give you his number, risking rejection, to have you not call, that's ridiculous.

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To jsut think that this guy went out of his way to come talk to you, then give you his number, risking rejection, to have you not call, that's ridiculous.


Beec.... you may be surprised! I've had guys give me their number, and tell me to call. Then, when I have called, they sounded really uncomfortable and said something dumb like, "I have to go now. My mom needs to use the phone." Yeah...

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Why would they give you their number if they weren't interested? Are they just giving you the number for the heck of it or what? I wouldn't give my number to her but ask for hers usually. Even if I gave her my number, then I would do it because I was interested in her.

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salt n pepper...


he gave you his number so you could call him..so stop thinking so much! why the hell do people do this to themselves? geez....REALLY think about it:


"some guy gave me his number & thinks im pretty...what does this mean..?"


ok, no offense but COME ON a child can figure this one out. why do people think so much i just dont get it.



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salt n pepper...


he gave you his number so you could call him..so stop thinking so much! why the hell do people do this to themselves? geez....REALLY think about it:


"some guy gave me his number & thinks im pretty...what does this mean..?"


ok, no offense but COME ON a child can figure this one out. why do people think so much i just dont get it.




Yeah I have to agree there. But seriously, it wouldn't hurt to try calling him.

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ok, no offense but COME ON a child can figure this one out. why do people think so much i just dont get it.


Well... that's not very nice. I know... these things should be simple, but they aren't always. I've had guys approach me for my number, and then they never call!!! What's up with that? Why go up to a girl, and ask her for her number if you're not going to call her?

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Once a cute guy at a party gave me his number. It was cute because he dialed his number on my phone and said that was his number. I called him a week after and he seemed excited that I called, but it was just an act since he never called me back. I think some guys do it to get an ego boost lol.


Another time a guy I clicked with at another party asked for my phone number and I've never heard from him since. I was really disappointed, but what can you say? No matter if the guy asks for your number or gives you his, it' best to wait until he calls you so you can tell if he's interested or not. So I would suggest calling him only once just so you can give him the chance to call you back another time. It's up to him whether or not he wants to take that chance. Good luck!

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I've had guys approach me for my number, and then they never call!!! What's up with that? Why go up to a girl, and ask her for her number if you're not going to call her?


Simple. It's because they are nervous. They were probably nervous as hell when they came up to you and asked for your number. There have been a few times where I got a girl's number. Each time I did, I would always call her at some point (within a week). Some of those times I would be very hesitant to call them because I was nervous about how it would go, but I managed to still call them.


I think it's extremely obvious that this guy is interested in her. I really don't see how it can be interpreted otherwise. Guy goes up to girl. Guy tells her she is pretty. Guy gives her his number. What other reason would he do that other then that he is into her?

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I also think soem guys change how they feel.


Maybe they change because of what they hear from the women. We're not so simple that if we like you know, we like you always.


Moreover, once you call, we begin to know we can have you, and we want what we cannot have. It's terrible to be male (not a man) and flip-flop so quickly, for example look at how it hurt John Kerry.

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I also think soem guys change how they feel.


Maybe they change because of what they hear from the women. We're not so simple that if we like you know, we like you always.


Moreover, once you call, we begin to know we can have you, and we want what we cannot have. It's terrible to be male (not a man) and flip-flop so quickly, for example look at how it hurt John Kerry.


Yes, I agree. For example, I went on a few dates with this gorgeous gorgeous man when I was 18. After a few dates, he told me that he didn't want to see me anymore because he wasn't looking for a relationship right now. Ok, fine. I was crushed - he was so hot, but whatever.


2 years later, I ran into him on campus. He came up to me, asked me what I was up to, asked me for my number. So, I gave it to him. And guess what? He never called!


So, he either did it for fun - to see if he could still get my number. Or, he did it because he wanted to call me, but then, after he got my number, he changed his mind.


I agree with Beec - things aren't always as simple as they appear.

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annie you answered your own question with why some guys go up to a chick & get their #s but never call....its more than likely just an ego thing. sometimes guys even have contests who can get the most #'s in a night.


and yea what i said may not be the sweetest thing on earth but come on. whats not to understand? a guy says youre pretty & gives you his number he more than likely wants you to use it. its plain & simple.


i think this websyte is good & all but i think it distills this thought in our heads that we cant deal with everyday life issues w/o consulting the forum first. it makes some people overthink things to become this MASSIVE DILEMMA when meanwhile its a very simple situation at hand.



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I never called him back as I had read somewhere that the guy who gives yoy his #, is not really ready to pursue you. And in the end you end up doing most of the work and get hurt !!!!!


Well, my point is, I was trying to explain why some people say that if a guy gives you his number, he isn't ready to pursue you. But, yes DG, you are right. This isn't rocket science. Call, and if something happens, cool. If not, oh well.


As for the second sentence, "And in the end, you end up doing most of the work and get hurt." Well, don't do most of the work! If one person isn't reciprocating, then don't keep chasing after them.

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Like Becka said - Ego. I think that some guys do it just to see if they could get the number!


i meant THAT was the answer to your own question.




Yeah yeah - I get that's what you were trying to say. I think we're miscommunicating here...


it makes some people overthink things to become this MASSIVE DILEMMA when meanwhile its a very simple situation at hand.


But this is what I was also responding to - yes, I guess it is a straightforward situation, but I've been in that situation quite a few times where a guy asks for my number, and then never calls. Or, he gives me his number, I call, and he never calls back. So, after situations like that, I don't immediately assume that just because a guy asked for my number that he is interested in me....

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but you cant judge all situations the same. they are with different people. it shouldnt even matter if that guy doesnt call you or doesnt return your calls. it was a casual encounter. when & if that happens shrug it off, dont get paranoid that every guy is going to dog you over. that creates complexes.


PLUS in this situation HE gave her HIS number...so hes leaving the burdon on HER to call HIM if SHE's interested...b/c he made the initiative so he probably is.



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I can't remember having a woman ask for my number, so if I'm interested in someone I'll give them mine. If they call, at least I know they might be interested - normally they won't call so at least I know where I stand ;-) I don't give the number to just anyone.


Of course, the other thing is that I really hate phones so I tend to avoid making calls But even then, if someone gave me their number and I was interested, I would get in touch.

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