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ok here is my story.see i need someone out there to know whats going on in my life.ok heere it is i have been talking to one of my ex's and we have been getting along pretty good.we broke up for the last time in may of last year.And recently i have been talking to him.And i have been missing him like crazy but i dont know it feels weird.My friends are telling me to ask him out but i m afraid he doesn't want the same.I have asked if he regets going out with me and he said no and stuff like that.So should wait until he feels the same way as i and asks me out or should i tell him how i feel and ask him out???? hope someone out there can help me!!

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I used to be in that situation too, be very careful, tread lightly. My ex wanted to go back out with me, but didn't want to ask because we would end up the same place again. We went back and forth with each other for about 5 years. In the end, I found out the only reason why he wanted to go back out with me was because he was lonely and couldn't find anyone else at the time. Yet, this is the guy who almost called off his soon to be wedding because he stated that he still had feelings for me.

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Oh now I get how women are afraid of rejection, haha. Just ask him out, it seems like it's fine. Though if you can tell try to see if his body language is good around you (like flirting subtly). If his signs are good when you talk to him you could see how he acts around other women or a certain girl to make sure he doesn't have a feel for someone other than you. Hope this helps.

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If you didn't break up on bad terms the first time, then you should be alright, but you should be extra careful this time round.


I still had bad feelings for my ex, and we didn't break up on bad terms...we just couldn't be together because of the distance. Anyway, after about 4 months, we did get back together and everything was good, if not better, but we broke up again...on bad terms.


It all boils down to what happened last time. It's all about what failed the last time and what you could do to improve this time.

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