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Everythings changed


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It started in December. I was a senior in high school and I was in a perfect spot. I had accomplished all if my goals, got a car, and for the first time in my life got a girlfriend, her name was bailey. I remember it specifically, it was the 5th and she came to my workplace and broke up with me, never giving me good reasons for why and I was broken. So much that my father would take me on errands with him because I would get out of the house. Within the month of January, my father, the healthiest person the doctor has ever seen, got lung cancer. My father was my best friend and he helped me through my entire breakup process, he was the only one I could talk about it with. Around February, situations with me and bailey got far worse and my father seemed unaffected by the cancer. In March, me and bailey completey tore apart and my father....the lung cancer splead aggressively and eventually the cancer spread to his brain and mentally he was gone, it was the day of my birthday. 4 days later, I held my fathers hand while I watched his final breaths....I not only lost my father and best friend, but my family too because he kept my family together. All of April I mourned, still viscously hurt about bailey and now broken down because I lost my father, and with no one to talk too. May, I left my job, packed up and moved. Now, I visit back to my hometown and nothing is the same, my hometown is dead...birding is left here for me...and I'm still hurt...I think about both bailey and my father everyday. To be honest....I just don't know what anything is anymore.

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