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Latin & White relationships? Would like Caucasian input.

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I was wondering what are White people's perspectives of Latin people specifically of the mestizo skin tone(what I am)?


The reason I ask this is because the media always talks of the White/Black issue eventhough Latin people are now the largest minority in the nation. I'm curious to know since the White/Latin issue has not really been addressed. Except for movies like Fools Rush In? Would you say it's like that or is that an exageration?


Do most White people more readily accept Latin people than Black people thereforeee the media doesn't make it a major issue?


Do you think generally White people feel more comfortable around Latin people?


And how do you think your family would react if you brought someone home such as myself?


I grew up all my life in the predominantly high income White neighborhood of Dallas(which helped me become the person that I am now) and I personally never experienced any sort of racism. But then again living in Texas, Tex Mex culture is as much of an influence as White culture. But I know that it's different in other regions of the country. I've often wondered what it would have been like for me if I had grown up elsewhere.


Anyways I know these may be hard questions to answer, but if anyone is willing to answer any of them I'd really appreciate it. Oh and the BRUTAL HONEST TRUTH is what I'd like, no sugar coating please.


I'm big into sociology so I must admit that's part of the reason why I ask these questions.


Thanks in advance for any replies.

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personally i dont think its a problem or issue for a latino person, me being black and goin to a school filed with white people i know how alot of them feel, and i neva really heard anything about latinos and whites, so looks liek you lucky buddy lol, but then again it also depends on the eprson and how they feel about certain races and all sooo its kinda goes both ways i guess

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Do most White people more readily accept Latin people than Black people thereforeee the media doesn't make it a major issue?


For where I live (Wisconsin) I think both cultures are accepted in the same way. I have grown up with the mind set that race doesn't really matter even though racial jokes are made.


Do you think generally White people feel more comfortable around Latin people?


I don't think whites feel more comfortable Latin people simply because most of the Latin people here will talk in Spanish more then English and we never know what they are saying about us, and for some people (like the older generations ) it seems like they don't want to even bother to learn English they tend to make their young children translate for them.


And how do you think your family would react if you brought someone home such as myself?


I don't think my parents would object to me bringing someone of the opposite race home, they are pretty toleratable.


I think the media makes Latins protrayed bad because all you see on Tv and movies is how they (and Blacks) try to act ghetto and it always seems like they are the ones in gangs and causing crime. It always seems like whenever some sort of act of violence is committed it is by either a Latino or a Black, which has inforced a negative sterotype. And come to think of it, it always seems to be in the bigger cities were all of this comes from.

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see me , race dont mean anythign to me, if i was in a hall filled with white black asian and wateva people, id only see people, not a bunch of different races, but in my school alot of the white people tend to be less understadning , then maybe the people from where your from, but i neva ehard them hate on latinos so i dunno

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I look like a mutt (dog & mixed human breed ), so I will probably be considered mixed with whomever I bring home.


Love is supposed to overcome all obstacles, right? So date whoever you want, plain and simple. You will probably run into some hurdles, but those who sneer at you and your date are ignorant fools who deserve to be ignored. Think of it this way: at least you have a date. The girl who I am madly in love with is of another race, as is the girl I am currently pursuing. Do I care? Nope. I just want a date. Hey, captain Kirk dated green women, didn't see Spock giving him the evil eye, did ya?

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largest minority
does that mean...majority?


all i got to say is Enrique (minus the mole) & Oscar De La Hoya (but a little taller) are hot & id do them!! lol hotness! my best friends are dominican, black, irish, & filipino and im italian & greek. so race doesnt matter to me personally.


all parents are different. they come from diff backrounds & have didnt views on mixed relationships. race isnt an issue w/ me personally, but when i get married id want to marry a Catholic or Christian b/c i feel our lives all revolve around our beliefs. and conflict in belief can cause a lot of confusion & hard feelings.


lol my dominican friend was dating a columbian chick & her parents hated him!!!! lol they said "all dominicans are scoundrels!!" HAHAHAHAHAHA WHO SAYS "SCOUNDREL"?!!??!!! LOL i was DYING when i heard that! lol


ahh thats funny stuff right there.



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I love diversity...I love the city and seeing all the different cultures...who needs a tanning booth when you've got mezno skin...thats an advantage right there...I think that in todays society, latinos and blacks are accepted more than ever...latinos have been making a good comeback though lately....off the top of my head i know of jlo,daddy yankee, fat joe, pitbull.....etc...because of them i think latinos are cool (i live in the middle of maine a totally white state and i dont know much about latinos) so if the music and media can establish that....just imagine how many more positive messages they can send out to people watching

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I guess you were talking about the acceptance of the culture and such and cross-cultural relationships. In that case, I think that people (including caucasians) have no negative feelings towards latins at all.


In terms of caucasian parents being accepting of latins for their sons or daughters, I think it has to do with parental acceptance of mixing races and religions. My white daddy doesn't care what race or colour my man is. But my mother is very frusteratingly old fashioned and thinks that races shouldn't mix. She wants me to marry a WASP. I can't stand it, but fortunately I think it's rare to come accross a person with such ingnorance.


In terms of why the media doesn't address the racial issues with latins as it does with blacks, I think has to do with the severe injustices blacks have endured in history. I've never heard of the same slavery and inequality ever happening where whites coerced latins.

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Well, there aren`t really that many Latin people at all over in the U.K but I don`t really think society, or whites would have any problems with them.


Personally I think Latin men look great!! I love that hair and skin colouring, very hot. I think the woman look so beautiful too, I love Desperate Houswives and I think Eva Longoria (Gabrielle) is really pretty.



Latin people aren`t really part of the culture over here, we`re mostly made up of white, black (asian) people and in some areas there are some anti-asian vibes but I don`t think, from what I know, that this would extend to Latinos. In fact people tend to think of them as white actually.


As far as my parents are concerned any guy I bring home can be pink with yellow polka dots, as long as he is a good catholic boy!

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I have been dating latin men since I was very young. Yes I love the look, but I also like the culture a lot. My current boyfriend is hispanic and for myself personally, the fact that we haven't ever had problems could be due to the fact that I am often mistaken as spanish/native american. I'm really not sure.


As for my parents. They absalutely love my boyfriend. We are an upper middle-class family, but we also come from Texas where Latin/caucasion relationships are much more common.


As a whole, I don't think Latin/Caucasion relationships experience as much animosity as black/white relationships do. Neither of which is right.


Of course, this is all my opinion and what I myself have experienced.

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I grew up in a small town where we could literally count the blacks and hispanics (not to mention Jews and middle-eastern people). My parents probably wouldn't know what to say to you if I brought you home, although they would love to be able to. The sad truth is that they have never really been socialized with people other than whites. I've asked my mom how she would feel if I brought a black guy home, just to see how she reacts, and she said, "what's the big deal? We're all the same." But, I've never seen a friend of theirs who isn't white. The closest thing to befriending a visible minority are perhaps Native Canadians. My parents are hillbillies though, even they know that.


Do you think generally White people feel more comfortable around Latin people?


I think it depends on the whites you ask. If you ask me, I would tell you that living in Montreal, I don't even really notice skin colour anymore. I don't think it's an issue, but at the same time, I can't give you a list of Latin people I know and associate with on a regular basis. But I can say, that Cuban people are among the friendliest and most down-to-earth I've ever known!

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  • 2 weeks later...

1.I was wondering what are White people's perspectives of Latin people specifically of the mestizo skin tone(what I am)?


2. Do most White people more readily accept Latin people than Black people thereforeee the media doesn't make it a major issue?


3. Do you think generally White people feel more comfortable around Latin people?


4. And how do you think your family would react if you brought someone home such as myself?


5. wondered what it would have been like for me if I had grown up elsewhere.


6. Anyways I know these may be hard questions to answer,


7. I'm big into sociology so I must admit that's part of the reason why I ask these questions.


1. I guess there are two stereotypes: a) latino men are hot.. (more passionate, more emotional in a good sense, more bold with women...) so it is a turn on.

b) latino men are more poor than white men in general..so it might be kind of a turn off.


2. My personal opinion it is the case, you are right.

I didn't grew up in North American though, but to me a difference in mentality of latin people and white could be tiny, but it is much bigger between the white and the black. I guess it has to do with some race pride when the black are not willing to give up anything from their culture: good or bad.


3. Definitely, funny that you ask.


4. Well.. latina girls are very hot, in my opinion.

Why would I care about my family preferences for her race? I don't.


5. You are right, it boild down to culrural background, plus I am sure you do not have an accent. Though if you have anything liek southern drawl..

well... it sounds really really funny here up North.


6. Simplest question I ever seen. I wish all questions were like that.


7. Skin color doesn't matter that much. Your accent, you income\job, you willingness to assimilate with th culture. (well you dont need that I guess).. are all thing that matter much more!

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