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what is she saying

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Well there could be 2 possibilities, she could be honestly busy, but neglected to counter offer another time that she will be available when she does have free time or she could be using that as an excuse. See how she behaves around you after the weekend & ask her how was her weekend. That way you can figure out how busy she truly was & make your decision from there whether to ask her out again or not. Good luck!

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USUALLY, when a girl is busy but does like you (meaning, you've established some rapport with her) she will counter offer.


You might have caught her out of the blue, she might not have thought of you that way before, etc.


Give it a while (a few weeks) and if she doesn't give you any signs of interest, then, yes, she was basically saying no.

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I dont really agree with the rest...if you asked her out, and she was really busy..like ACTUALLY busy, but she still was interested in you, she would have said "maybe another time..." or offered another time. If anything, you should have gotten her number. Personally, I think it was just an excuse to let you down easy....dont ponder on it...move on.

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She is probably genuinely busy. Not offering another time could have been a simple oversight on her part. See how she acts around you. If you are up to it, ask again at a later date. Maybe ask her whats she's doing, but not in a way that 's prying into her life. If she stil passes you up and doesn't offer any explanation, then you should consider moving on.

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LtAwesome Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 2:03 pm Post subject:


I dont really agree with the rest...if you asked her out, and she was really busy..like ACTUALLY busy, but she still was interested in you, she would have said "maybe another time..." or offered another time. If anything, you should have gotten her number. Personally, I think it was just an excuse to let you down easy....dont ponder on it...move on.




maybe i should have been more specific, i DO have her phone number both home and cell, during our only class together which happens to be pe while everyone else is walking outside where our class meets its just me and her and i guess im always flirting with her and she flirts back (according to pretty much all my friends in that class), when i first said something about the weekend she sorta giggled, and then when i asked if she wanted to do anything she just said im really busy this weekend sorry

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Oh you have her number...as in you're really good friends and she gave it to you....or you asked her for it when you asked her out? I dont know...You didnt explain that....so maybe you have a chance...just in a personal sense, if she really wanted too go out, she probably would've mentioned another time. I mean I could be wrong, I dont think you're goin to lose a friendship over trying again if you want to try....go ahead...ask away.

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