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Im dying instead everything is horrible. I am at rock bottom again and the shock has resurfaced I am so so low today I m finding it hard to believe I want to talk to hima nd ask him why andhow oculd he just stop loving me all of the sudden and why is he doing tthis to us to something so wonderful and I think Im flipping out. I realize I will never get an answer and I just will never know and that he must not have loved me enough to care to tell me to say he is sorry to say anythign but I dont know how to kill this pain and this agony it is excrutiating. I just cant believe this is happeneing to me I thought he loved me we loved one another six freaking years of love then out of the blue and I was strong for like almost two days and today it is all come back to me and I am dying to know why, I want his love back everythign like it was and Im unable to cope I can barely work.

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Since he had not loved you enough, to say sorry,


Why say sorry to yourself and make yourself pay for his mistake?


He did you a wrong but he amended it by leaving you, and setting you free, for he dont love you much and he knows it.

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Thanks for the encouragement and feeling for me. I know, he is a bum but that doesnt help me not hurt, I do feel anger , but he waited, he waited to leave after six years of me believing that he did love me and did care, I didnt see it coming, we were sooooo one. I loved him soooo much eventhough I knew it wouldnt work in the long run I mean that is way things stayed they were for so long, I just dont know why all of the sudden why now why did he choose to do it now, thanks again for feeling my pain.

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Often dumpees can not give us an answer that will help us cope, often they do not know themselves. Maybe they are so disatified with their life they want to change it drasticly. There are a million reasons...and most of them would make no sense to the dumpee. We would want to argue with them and beg them to give us another chance, we will change for them.


People have hidden agenda's even after 6 years. They do not share them with others...I've found in life that there are taker's and giver's. I am a giver...I give myself entirely and let down all defenses. A taker will always take more from you emotionally than they give.


I rather be a giver...but that's me. Your heart will heal...and I am sure you will survive and become a better you...and find someone you can totally trust and they trust you in return. You're in my prayers...*s*

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hey there.

Sorry to hear that you are still hurting for him. I know how it is, cause it's been like 3 month and half since my ex broke up with me and we havent contact at all except once. It's really hard to believe that someone who once told us that trully loved us, just takes us out of their life like we were nothing to them. I guess i'm like jeff. I gave myself truly to her and in the end it wasn't enough. Guess i'm not good enough for someone...

You will heal as all have. I'm also healing slowly but surely. It takes time. But it hurts. It hurts me sometimes, to feel that yet i love someone that doesn't want me anymore. Try to enjoy the time you have, going out with friends, doing things you like, just to keep your thoughts busy. And if necessary do as me: I usually call myself stupid when i start thinking things about her that i shouldn't. Afterall she is gone and lost and i'm still here to continue my journey.

Take care of you ok?

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here's a song about letting go of someone you don't wana let go of... maybe it will help...it always helps me..


Something is about to give

I can feel it coming

I think I know what it means

I'm not afraid to die

I'm not afraid to live

And when I'm flat on my back

I hope to feel like I did


'Cause hardness, it sets in

You need some protection

The thinner the skin


I want you to know

That you don't need me anymore

I want you to know

You don't need anyone, anything at all


Who's to say where the wind will take you

Who's to know what it is will break you

I don't know which way the wind will blow

Who's to know when the time has come around

Don't wanna see you cry

I know that this is not goodbye


In summer I can taste the salt in the sea

There's a kite blowing out of control on a breeze

I wonder what's gonna happen to you

You wonder what has happened to me


I'm a man, I'm not a child

A man who sees

The shadow behind your eyes


Who's to say where the wind will take you

Who's to know what it is will break you

I don't know where the wind will blow

Who's to know when the time has come around

I don't wanna see you cry

I know that this is not goodbye


Did I waste it?

Not so much I couldn't taste it

Life should be fragrant

Roof top to the basement

The last of the rock stars

When hip hop drove the big cars

In the time when new media

Was the big idea

That was the big idea


In summer I can taste the salt in the sea

There's a kite blowing out of control on a breeze

I wonder what's gonna happen to you

You wonder what has happened to me

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