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Hi guys,


I'll keep this brief, I just need to vent a little.


First off, disregeard my last couple posts about attempting a long distance relationship. Your advise was helpful, but unfortunately not necessery any more. Although i thought our date yesterday went well, evidently she did not feel completely the same. Talking today, she said that although she had a nice time yesterday, evidently I remind her too much of her step-brother, which she said made the idea of a romantic relationship a little too "weird" at the moment. I guess thats understandable, i can see why someone wouldn't want to date someone who reminded them of a sibling, as that would bring up a whole host of issues. So I'm not mad at her, i'm just a bit disheartened by the whole situation. The past 2 and a hlaf moinths have not been that great for me, it seems that just about everything that could go wrong has, plus a few other things which were totally unxepected. It seemed like meeting her was the first good thing that has happened in a while, and our continuing conversation over the last month or so was something I had to look forward too when I got home as school in general, and my senior project in particular have been immensely stressful since the start of january. Now it feels that the potential relationship with her is just another in the long series of things that have gone wrong for me, made worse because it was previously the one thing I thought i had been doing right during a period where i seem to be doing everything else wrong.


I guess thats it, i don't really have any questions this time around, and I knowe the usual "it will get better, more fish in the see, blah blah blah," I just needed to vent, but any advice or encouragement would be appreciated.


Thanks for reading,


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Hi Pal,

If u wan to amend ur mistake, there is still time. U dun have to date her that fast. U can always chat with her occasionally.


Do focus on ur project, do a clean job out of it, coz being so stressful with datelines sometimes do make things worse, when u cant handle. In fact a good project will boost ur self-confidence further which will enable u to think clearly and better about ur relationship with her.


And yes, please do vent, bottled-up feelings are senses of insanity. Have fun.

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I've been exactly where you are...not looked at as a bother, but her father... Keep swinging....I have, and I date on a regular basis and so will you. I suggest you continue to chat with her...show her a side she hasn't seen, and just maybe her interest will overshadow whatever hangups she might have.


I am still not over my SO...but life's too short not to be out living it to the fullest...good luck and keep going.

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Thanks guys,


Prosper- Honestly, I don't really think there was any mistake made on my part, she was just as eager to get together as I was. I'm really not sure what to do about continuing to talk with her, I may send her an email in a few days, but I'm not sure.


As for my project...

Haha, my attempt to vent about it here has led me to just package it as another post entirely.


Jeff- Like I said, I will try to maintain contact with her, but i have reservations about it from past experiences of trying to remain "just friends." I do however realise that the distance factor could actually be helpful in this situation, as the fact that we could not actually get together frequently takes some of the pressure off of coninued communication. I will try to keep swinging, as you say, but i'm not going to actively look for a while. Instead i'll concentrate my energy on the push to my impending graduation this coming June.


Speaking of getting over your SO, I saw the origonal 2 month "love of my life" earlier this evening. It was only in passing and i don't even think she recognized me (I was talking to a friend of mine as she walked by), but it was the first time i've seen her that i didn't have an anxiety attack. Granted the last time i saw her was maybe september, and the last time we actually talked was june! In fact, seeing her made me realise that this past weekend (which involved my first, and evidently last, date with the girl this post is about), marked exactly one year since my first date with her. What a crazy year it has been for me. My only other comment about seeing her is that she looked really good, better than i remember her looking when we went out.


Ok, I've gotten off track, but thanks for the comments,


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