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Me again with my constipation

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Hey everyone, so I went to the doctor yesterday, the laxative medication they gave me didn;t work. It only made me go slightly, and today I've tried a suppository. I only went slightly, It feels like its easy to make a bowel movement but then half way it gets a little constipated its like the kind of crap u have to push for minutes to get out, but the thing is it gets to a limit where its way too painful u can't push anymore, i can only go threw ripping, awful pain for so long. Anyone have any suggestions? Thanks. I really feel desperate.

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Ok - you have to realize that we aren't doctors. Even if there are doctors on this website, they have to see you in person and know your medical history to give you advice. If you are serious about this problem, and you really have "ripping pains" then this is STILL a serious medical condition. Get back to the doctor - have them give you something for the pain.

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you really need to take care of those intestines of yours or else you will rip them up.


maybe you need a stool softener and let the doctors figure out what it is in your diet that is accumulating in your waste.


more roughage Is what I will say


an apple a day keeps the doctor away.......

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Absolutely see a doctor. You may require an enema or some other procedure that should be done by a doctor.


There is little point posting on here for medical advice - even if a qualified doctor were on here s/he would tell you the same thing - see your doctor.

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How long have you been in that conditions?

Why did it started? What was the cause?


This didn't come from nowhere, there should be the cause.


For example it is possible that lack of physical activity plus some foods you digested recently could cause some serious constipation.

You can change this condition farly quicky by a diet: no meat, no fat,

no sour cream, no bananas, no bread no noodles or potatoes.

Plenty of water, plenty of carrots and plums or dried plums, plenty of oats.


Note that whatever the cause is, it is very beneficial to go and try this simple changes in your diet since they prevent constipation.

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