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She cheated on me before. Is she still? Facebook pro's needed to answe


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Wait, so Facebook is showing her in another country? How is that possible? I mean, technically I don't think she's flying off to another country overnight, do you?


It may also be her service provider showing it's location, not hers, if she has an ISP that has servers in another country or if Facebook does. Not sure about that. Personally, I don't see any evidence there of her cheating.


And I think you need to look at why you feel you still can't trust her. If your gut is screaming at you, it's maybe time to step back and really look at the big picture.


P.S. What wiseman wrote freaked me out, going over to Facebook right now to see if I can get anything changed. I already took off geotagging and all sorts of disabled features, but man. Scary.

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