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Ladies Night, should I be jealous?


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My girlfriend of ten years or so decided she was going on a ladies night with whoever and I found out because I snooped on her phone. Got jealous / insecure and confronted her about it, then felt bad because I snooped and because I shouldn't feel insecure but I did. Anyway I tried to play cool but was still pissed off! Spoke to my mum about it and she said I was being silly! I just hate the thought of her desiring someone else!! I know some dirty suff can go on with some of those ladies nights too which pisses me off more. Found some pics on her phone which were pretty tame but stil f'd off she took any! Yip I been to strip clubs on bachelor parties and maybe a couple other occasions but pissed she can do it! Little insecure but not????


Hypocrite, much? If you can do it, why can't she? Do you mess around when you go out with your friends? Is there a reason you think she would after so much time together?


Yes, you're being pretty ridiculous. You two should probably sit down and have a frank discussion about your relationship, and boundaries, and expectations.

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