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My full gang net up one night for a party... And one guy was being a little rude to me... I didntnotice it much as thats how he always talks to me... My ex bf noticed and took me out and told me not to take what he was saying seriously... He said He hated that that guy was being so rude to me and felt like fist fighting him... He said he would have to fight about this with that guy and sort it out , else he wouldnt be able to be his good friend anymore as this would be in his mind always...

He said he will never take anyone being rude to me ever...

Why woukd he do all this ?

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Sounds like he cares, and kudos to him for having the stones to go 1v1 with another guy over you.


However, it's not worth it, especially if you're hailing from the land of the gun. Tell him it's sweet, it's romantic, but you don't want him to fight him, you'd love him more if he let it go.

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Well, if it was an amicable breakup, it wouldn't surprise me to see one ex stand up for the other. He could possibly still has feelings for you. I think it's fairly normal to have minor feelings towards exes you were in a serious relationship with unless it was a toxic relationship.

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Why are you around your ex at all?


And yeah, any decent human being will take effort and stand up to people being treated inhumanly. Normal for ANYONE.


He is your Ex, of course there is always going to be attraction and SOME feelings. That's why you stay away from them and keep them where they belong......in the past/history.

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It sounds like he is being overprotective, but fight with another guy is about his ego not you. it also sounds your exbf does not want you to move on, at the same time doesn't want to be your bf eother. Can you avoid him?

He said he would have to fight about this with that guy
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It doesn't matter, because he is your EX. You broke up for a reason. You still hanging out with him is just holding you back, as you can see by the fact that it got to you enough for you to make a post about it. I agree that his actions had more to do with his own ego than you. I wouldn't want to be with a guy that would resort to violence over someone merely being rude either. That is immature.

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Because your ex cares about you as a person, a human being. And even he doesn't want a relationship with you he still cares.


I've done the same for ex, well not the fight, but stood up for an ex that someone was mistreating. I wasn't in love with the guy, but he was the father of my kids and all in all a good guy. We didn't divorce, because either of us were a-holes or anything. There was just no way I was going to sit idly by and watch someone treat him like crap, so I spoke up and told the chick to knock it off.


Then told my ex he could and should date much better. He did, he found another woman who was awesome and dated then married her instead.


A win-win, but it still never meant I wanted my ex back. He's a good guy, he's been a good father, a good friend to me at times, of course I'm going to have his back in a fight or when someone else is giving him grief. Why wouldn't I?


Your ex probably feels the same. Kudos to him for being a decent human being who insists others treat people with some respect. The world could use a few more like him.

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