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How To Succeed With Women

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Currently, I am reading this book entitled "How To Succeed With Women." A friend of mine told me it was a kick. I am about a 100 pages through it, and I can already see some of things that I have been doing wrong with women. My question to everyone is, how do you succeed with women? It is an open-ended question. I am just curious of people's responses, especially women's. Thanks in advance for your help.

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Well, for me, the chemistry has to be there to get something started, and then I value things like intelligence, you've got to be able to be challenged mentally, a sense of humor, since I love to laugh and make jokes, honesty is a very important factor, someone who works hard and appreciates another person who also works hard.


Someone who can be serious when nessecary and playful when called for.


Bottom line is someone who sees us as a team of 2 equal partners, with respect and alot of love.


Does that help? Or confuse you more?

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The problem with books like this is that rarely is there a distinction made between the different types of women. Instead it seems that there is a quick fix that will work for most women. Now I do believe there are some general theories of what works with women but other aspects are specific to that certain type of woman. If you really want to succeed with women you will look at the type of women you date then start thinking of how you can help yourself succeed with those type of women. While this book can give you some starting off points I wouldnt take what it says as gospel. How to succeed with women is going to be subjective. The best way I can see to succeed with women is to understand more about their behavior and once you learn about their behavior you will learn what you need to do in order to get your desired reaction.

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There are many "how to" books out there. Many people believe anything they read, to be the truth. But, that's not the question here.


How to succeed with women is such a close-minded subject. Women and men aren't much different really. If you look at their behaviors, when they like someone are or into someone, they show similar signs - eye contact, certain body language, etc. These are human nature, and apply to both sexes. Seduction is also something one must learn to be able to get into the "head" of their target. It's not something that everyone knows, but it is a skill that can be used in dealing with women. There are many other components as well that, as a collaboration of skills and tactics, can be used effectively.

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I read this book out of curiosity. And its really pretty accurate. Some of the pick up lines are kind of lame. But the author's know what they're talking about.


Picking up women can pretty much be summed up like this: lots of confidence, sincerity, interest in her (flirting), and looking as good as you can (clean, composed, smiling). Past that, everything is kind of beyond your control. The book does a good job in talking about how to ace the different dates, but again, chemistry and attraction is probably more important. The book also is centered more around getting laid, but if thats what you're interested in, then it could help.


The book seems to imply that any woman is conquerable, meaning that you can get a woman to sleep with you if you're good enough at playing the game. This is not the case. There are simply women out there who will make you prove yourself. The book tends to generalize women too much, but overall it probably would be very useful for a guy.

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"How to succeed with women". That is one of the most diverse questions that could be asked because everybody will have a different opinion based on their past experiences, it also depends a womans individual tastes (i.e. whats she looks for in men).


From my experience with girls around my age (16), they seem to like a sense of humour and a degree of "playfulness" without being rude or over-the-top. For example, the girl that i am interested in at the moment seems to respond well to gentle teasing (NOT insults) and anything that is fun!


A lot of people say that chivalry is dead but i dont think this is true. I like to be polite and hold a door open for a girl, and people just dont have to do this because the woman is "hot", they should do it for anyone because its just another wayof being polite and curteous to other people.


Books are only useful to some degree, you cant believe everything that is said in them. You still have to form your own opinion because not everything in that book is going to work for everyone.

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books will never be completely accurate because all girls/women are all different, like different things, and whoever writes the book could have the perfect way to get together with some certain types of people but may not work with others, thereforeeee books are almost pointless to me because the stuff that is 100% true with all girls/women is going to be obvious , being nice, good manners, funny, etc...i hope this helps

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I'd like to suggest that you be extremely poliet and curtious. Women, especially me, like men with manners. Men who are gentlemen. The traditional opening of doors, paying for activities when you can and making her feel like the only person in the room! Hope this helps!


This is a perfect example of how each woman may find different things attractive. While Tiger_Lilies is into guys who are still chivalrous, if a guy rushed around to my side of the door to open it, I would probably think he was a major cheeseball and start laughing. Not my thing at all, I just wasn't raised that way.


Like Chai says, it depends on the woman. I'm more of an easy-going wing and beer type-of-girl who will be rolling on the floor from listen to George Carlin, and who isn't shy about her opinions (or anything) when on dates. Here's what I always look for:


- A guy who is 'at ease' with himself. An easy-going guy who doesn't look like he's sitting on tacks because he's so nervous. Not slouchy or obnoxious, but a guy who seems to have a pretty good grasp on who he is, and where he's going.


- A good communicator. By this, I mean being able to uphold a conversation, as well as being able to listen and not feel the need to talk about himself all night (been there, done that, won't go again).


- An amazing sense of humour. Someone who isn't offended easily. Basically, someone who will crack me up, and be able to laugh at himself.


- A clean, casual guy. I'm a pretty casual girl myself, so if a guy shows up wearing a suit, tie, or anything 'dressy', it's obviously a mis-match. When a guy can just throw some gel - or even A HAT - on his head, some jeans and be ready to go, I'm all for it. Dressing up can be saved for those 'special occasions'.


- A guy who doesn't have anything against my being an Agnostic, and a drinker. Basically, a guy who respects me; including my beliefs, values (even if they are not exactly the same), and extra-curricular activities.


Things I Run From


- The 'uptight' dude. If we come from different backgrounds, and he's too conservative or "PC", I know someone is going to get hurt eventually.


- The compulsive 'complimentor'. One or two throughout the entire night is enough. When you say "you're sooooo hot" too many times, I know you're either trying too hard, or you're too focused on the material - and sex.


- The guy who eyeballs other women (or makes comments), talks about his ex-girlfriends extensively (you should only talk about them if asked to do so), or flirts with other women. Do that on your own time, not on a date.


- The "bad-mouther"/ complainer/ rude idiot. I dated a guy like this from university; he did nothing but complain, make rude comments about other people, and talk negatively about his friends, ex-girlfriends, family, etc. Try to stay positive unless it's in a very funny way that you're being negative. Always be extra-nice to waiters/ waitresses, bartenders, etc. This is something that can actually be a deal-breaker. If a guy is rude to service people, I'm outta there!

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