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What should i do? Friend/ band issue coming up


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Hi guys.


I'm new to this website and found it just now. Hopefully I get some good advice on here!

So about a year ago, my friend Trey and me decided to put together a band. We are 2 guitar players(lead) and(rhythm) and we both switch it up doing vocals on songs. I found us a drummer back in February on a website to find members wanting to join bands. Trey can't practice as often, but when we do practice together we get along and like the same type of music. Anyways, this drummer has been texting our other member(bass player) Brian is our bass player, he is our newest member. We've practiced 4 times together before the last 2 months. Brian sent me and the conversation he had with Tyler the drummer yesterday, this is what, was said:


Tyler- Are we still practicing Tuesday?

Brian- Yeah we are. The other members just recorded a new song, if you wanna give it a listen?

Tyler- Sure

Brian- Here it is

Tyler- Is it something we're covering?

Brian- Yeah we may be doing that one

Brian- It's an original one

Tyler- Are we looking for a singer? As much as I dig the style that Robin is going for, it would be really cool to mix it with melodic, screaming airy singing

Brian- Yeah, Robin and Trey switch vocals on some songs yeah

Tyler- But having an airy melodic vocalist would be really cool. If I send you a link to what I mean would you give it a listen?

Brian- Ah it's cool haha. Alright yeah I'll give it a listen

Tyler- This is one of my favorite bands I try to drum just like them. I think we would do good trying to sound like them

Brian- Not too bad they kinda reminded me a little bit of Sum41 yeah I liked the drumming and bass in them

Tyler- Here is a video of Pierce the Veil it is how I want the new singer to be like airy sounding and screaming

Brian- I watched it just now

Tyler- Yeah they're really impressive. But you see what I mean. I think if we have someone doing airy melodic vocals we could mix it with other kinds and make some really cool harmonies. Also(I kind of hate this but) we could probably draw a bigger crowd with a "normal" vocalist

Brian- Trey, and Robin prefer the hard/ classic rock and punk rock sound though. They don't like doing airy voices

Tyler- I know. We can do that but it won't be as the same as they do now. I'll do vocals tomorrow for practice. The other 2 are out, they can still play guitar though. We can get more popular this way too.


Okay, so Brian texted me that with screen shots of the conversation. And I can say, I'm pretty annoyed. The drummer joined our band, not his own. And when we first started talking and playing with him he was really on the same page as us and liked punk rock. Plus, I don't play to be popular I like what I like and I never could get into those whiney airy vocals(and I still can't, they annoy me and just it's not the style I like) like some pop "punk"(not punk rock) pop punk always use them. Trey and me don't like screamer music either. Some people(not family or friends) already fanned our bands page on this website. I know this isn't alot, but for a starting band it is. 24 people have gave us comments on our songs and said they liked them and would love to hear more whenever we have them.(I'm not bragging) but this record label also called us(they were a real one) and the woman on the phone said she'd like to sign us, but I told her we would all think it over as a band. What should me and Trey(if he can still come to practice tomorrow)if not it'll just be me saying something. Say to Tyler about that we don't like that direction he is going into and that it probably won't work in this band? What would you do? If this sounds rude I'm not trying to make it sound like that but Trey doesn't wanna sing background and neither do I(we like that classic rock/ punk rock sound we have going on).


Like I said, me and Trey have been practicing together for a year and these other 2 just this year(once we decided to get a full band). We just don't know what to do right now, because drummers are hard to find.


And, how do I work on confronting people about things in the moment? This is why it's going to be a little hard for me, I just don't know what to do like I have a hard time speaking up if something is bothering me or if I disagree with something. It's probably because of my social anxiety(I don't know) but I'm not a "people pleaser" and I need to start working on that(speaking up)

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