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Help needed badly!!!


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Dear ALL, I really needed help badly as I'm totally confused with what was going on. There was this guy whom I met and very head over heels towards me. He has said the sweetest things and did lots of wonderful things for me. But, he has an anger management issues and excessively possessive and insecure. Hence, throughout his "chase", a lot of things happened and I've ever reported him to the police for his excessive behavior. There had been lots of dramas, involving friends talking to him or me avoiding to talk to him for weeks etc. Having said there, there had been tears, fear and emotions. Eventually, I fell for him! And I believe over the one year of "chase", I had already developed feelings for him which I've denied due to all these above factors! In the last 2 weeks, he started to be quite cold towards me. Being woman, I can sense that some things are not quite right. However, he had been pretty busy with a new business ventures and not much time to pay attention to me. On my part, I feel extremely impatient about the sudden change and have questioned him a few times. I told him I'm ready for an official relationships but he did not reciprocate to my reply. That's when I know something was wrong. I asked him why is he avoiding me or being cold to me. Is it because he doesn't want it anymore and don't love me anymore. His replies were: He did not say he didn't want it, if he didn't want it one day, he will tell me. And there is no third party nor he likes someone. But he is now unsure about getting together because his focus is on work and he doesn't want me to hinder his concerntration? So, I asked him how would that be interrupting him when he has been waiting for an answer but a sudden change to "I don't know". He said he needs time to think because he kept thinking about all the dramas in the past and if it repeats, how will it affect him. I have no idea what he wants. I've asked to have a chat and at least it helps us both to decide to move on and have a closure but has avoided to meet up. We were supposed to meet later and he said ok but sent a message to me "if we were to meet, can we not talk about those stuff?"


Please people can you tell me if it's over? If there's anything I can do to save this and why is he reacting this way. Is he done with me and no more feelings for me or is it really work?????


Help me.

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