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what is he thinking/feeling

Lisa S

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Several months ago, I met a guy at a concert and we had a crazy instant connection. I was instantly attracted to him and was the one to do the approaching. We hung out several times after that and had the kind of connection where we would talk with no awkward silences for hours. We both had not been with anyone else in over 6 months (for many reasons I have no doubt he was being honest). After hooking up for a few weeks, we got into a disagreement and I ended things. I still really liked him and somewhat regretted it at the time, but he didn't have a lot of experience with women and didn't know how to treat me in certain situations because of it. He wasn't a jerk or anything, just very clueless and inexperienced in ways other men are not.


It might be relevant to say that I have an interesting type of guys I'm attracted to, not the typical tall muscular guys most women like. He's not bad looking whatsoever but isn't what most girls would consider hot and is very insecure. He was really nervous when I approached him and once told me he's really insecure about his looks and not being very muscular. He's my type exactly however


Anyways, after ending things we didn't really talk but he liked some of my photos and watched all my snapchat stories. I ran into him again about 2 weeks ago at a different concert (we like all the same artists lol). Upon running into him he instantly told me he was having an STD scare and I was the last person he slept with, later it turned out to just be a pimple but point being I'm the last person he was with. (This is what I mean by clueless with women...who asks that to someone you havent seen in awhile without actually getting tested first). Anyways I drunkenly hooked up with him (oops) and the next morning before leaving he "jokingly" asks to borrow money. I got mad and basically told him there's no way I was lending him jacksh*t and pretty much said it in exactly that way. He claimed he "wasn't being serious." (Side note: I am an exotic dancer and he has known this from day one, which is why I think he made that "joke". To be fair it's pretty obvious I wasn't going to say yes so he could have actually not meant it seriously)


Lord knows why but my attraction for him rekindled after hooking up and I later texted him and said sorry I was so harsh in my response to his question, I actually had a lot of fun, and to have a good night. He replied "You too" and that was all.


At this point I assumed he had lost any geniune interest that may have been there before and I should move on. *But then* he texts me the next day and asks how my day was, etc. I responded with the same distantness/coolness he had for me the previous day and ever since I haven't heard from him.


Obviously, this sounds like he just lost interest. However there are a few things confusing me about this situation and making me wonder if he deep down had feelings and I scared him off. These reasons are:


-on my snapchat story, it was apparent I was hanging out with another guy (just a friend I'd never sleep with but he's not aware of this, and he saw the story the day after we texted). There was a girl in the story too but I'm thinking since he's super insecure he may think I'm putting him into a competition or playing games

-he still watches every single one of my snapchat stories

-If I'm the only girl he's had sexual access to in awhile, how would it make sense for him to 86 me? Even if I was only a piece of @ss to him wouldn't he at least text me again to keep me in his booty zone? (lol) I realize he could have met someone else right after we banged or something but like I said based on him and the circumstances I really don't think anyone else has come along recently



I guess all I can do is move on at this point, I'm just left feeling really confused and am curious from a guys perspective what he may be thinking. We are both in our early to mid 20's, thanks

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Unfortunately this sounds like playing games. Is the best you are hoping for really the booty zone?

I responded with the same distantness/coolness he had for me the previous day and ever since I haven't heard from him. wouldn't he at least text me again to keep me in his booty zone?
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