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hi , i have been dating my girlfriend for about 2 weeks and we have basically done everything together making out and having sex. but i want her to know that i dont only just want to have sex with her, it think she may think thats all i want. what are some special things that i can do for her? i was thinking like a poem or something. but i dont know. any ideas? also i was wondering if it was a good time to tell her that i love her, we have been going out for 2 weeks but we have been friends for 2 years. should i tell her i love her?

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Well, if you believe that she has been understanding about everything else, then she should be OK with hearing "I love you". She might feel a little bit awkward about it to begin with, considering you have only been together for a short time, but you say you've known each other 2 years beforehand so I don't see why she should be scared.


You only live once, take a chance

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I'm no lesbian and I'm not bi. I am as straight as a theorectical rhumb line (look it up or pm, if you want to know) and nothing is straighter than that. However, I do know a thing or two about giving things to women.


Do not, I repeat do not give her a gift that tells you exaclty how you feel, even if it is short of being in love with her. Only let her know when you are really sure she feels the same way. I'd wait until after she seemed ready to tell you, but backed off, or until she said it first. And I would not give her any gifts that said as much.


What I would do? Give her a gift that said nothing about how you felt about her, but reaaly showed that you paid attention to her and what she likes. For instance, I have given opera tickets and CDs to a women who loved opera, but had never been to one. When she got these she cried. Another time, I gave a collection of Beethoven to one and a collection of Bach to another ex. Both loved music and each was pretty moved. Another got a clay tea pot and herbal tea and scented candles, because those were things she liked. Still another got DVDs of her favortie movies. And another got a book on how to do soemthing she said she wanted to learn to do. Each of these gifts were directed at them, not sending a message with what the gift meant. If I were you, I'd send a gift directed at her, showing her that you pay attention, not a gift that is supposed to have meaning and a message.

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It would be romantic if you made her a CD of your favorite songs to give to her. That way every time she listens to it she will think of you. Flowers are also sweet. A poen is a good idea.


Since you have been making out and having sex and are in a relationship I'm sure it's fine to tell her you love her if you actually do.

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