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Ladies please answer this for me.


If your ex boyfriend sent you a birthday card after 3 months of NC , would you think that he was sending you a message ?


I sent the Ex a card a while ago. She loved it and asked me out a couple of times. Then she started to avoid me because she realized I still had feelings for her and did not want to lead me on.wouldn't the fact I sent a card give her a clue i have feelings for her?

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Obviously the guy isn't over the girl if he's sending her a birthday card after three months of no contact. I think she knew and was probably just in denial. Maybe she likes the attention!!


I'm curious, why did you guys break up? Are you trying to get back with her because the break-up was your fault?

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Actually no just because you send a person a card doesnt mean that you have feelings for them, it means you are wishing them a happy birthday. Although your intentions may have been different, she probably thought that you were over her and that you two could be friends.

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Well it's different for everybody. Some people could never see an ex as their friend. If you're wanting to wish someone a Happy Birthday, to me anyway, it seems obvious that the person at least cares. They may have ended the relationship to where both feel comfortable establishing a mere friendship. It all depends on the people and the relationship they once had.

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I never made it secret I wanted to get back together. She broke up with me asked me back then broke up with me again. She said she had a lot of fun with me and still cared a lot about me but just thought I was not right for her. she thewn led me on for a few weeks which prompted the NC. I just had the feeling she is unsure so I thought I send a card to let her no I remembrd .I knew less than a year , so the fact I knew her birthday I thought would impress her.

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I think that when a card of any kind is sent to someone, it is letting them know that the sender is clearly thinking about the recipient.


If it were me receiving the card, I would more than likely think the ex was sending it in hopes of getting back together, unless a friendship was established after the breakup.

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For me - the answer is no. I mean, it would be maybe sending the message that he still cared for me as a person - but still interested doubtful. After three months, for me, it woudl be a relief, b/c it would show me that he is willing to do something as simple as sending a card (no pressure in a card right?) thereforeeee maybe he's ready to be friends. This is just my perspective.

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Was it ambigous when you started NC. If you begged and pleaded and cryed and wrote poems, then did NC, and then sent her the card, I bet she might miss you.


But don't get your hopes up too much. The think about certain women, is that they can still miss you, still care about you, still want to spend time with you, even call you, send you emails, and make it sound like you'll get back together one day, but EVEN THEN, there maybe something holding them back, fear of commitment, something you did to her, issues she has, or in my case attachment to an ex boyfriend.


Good luck though.

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