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its allways me with the problem.

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WHy does it allways happen when i feel bad? people allways seem happiest when im not. right now, my very recent ex g/f is slowly advancing on my best friend and i can see it all over again, i will be alone well they are out all the time.

Me and her were quite close, we really did love each other and if it wasnt for certain "problems" then we would have had sex and gone a lot further in our relationship. my problem is that i dont want my best friend to make her happier than i ever did, as i see both of them everyday and it would make me relly depresssed again, me and my ex are on talking grounds and are good friends and i have just learnt that one of her friends likes me (who happens to be liked loads by my best friend), this has come out now and im dreading that moment where someone asks someone out as i Once again will be in the position of no matter what option i chose someone will get hurt.. i still really like my ex loads and she seemed upset to hear someone else liked me, i just dont want her to go further or be better with my best friend as who would end up gping out with them both at a weekend?? ME.

This is more of a vent of problems than anything, dont need to reply, its jsut better to type into a database than it is to face the problems.

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I believe that you need to face your problems, this is the only way you are going to get over them. You cant avoid problems like this because they will only become larger ones. You also need to give yourself some space with your ex. You are still emotional about the whole situation and you arent ready to move on, there are still some things you need to work out first. You also dont need to concern yourself with what your ex is doing because its none of your concern anymore. Getting emotional about situations like that isnt going to help you heal instead its going to prevent you from healing.

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ok after i read that i got freaked out cuz that happened 2 me likelast week...except i took sum 1 elses advice & layed off my ex (even if i wuz still crazy 4 him ) well...he ended up askin out my friend & now their goin out...it sux & it makes me feel like crap...plus all she does is talk about him..ALL THE TIME!!! i don say ne thing & i act as if i don care cuz my ex seems completely over me, i do wanna move on but i'm going 2 have to cuz its over & i keep thinkinb bought how much fun they'll b having, if he says the same things to her...so i decided 2 put it away in a box of feelings & 4get about him till i get over him

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