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Problem getting into a relashinship

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o..k.. well this may sound kind of weird and it is but that doesnt really matter since all i need is some advice to solve this problem. OK were to start...well me and this girl really like each other but the problem is we cant even talk to each other in person because were to shy. Were always talking online using msn...we talk for hours every night but when it comes to seing each other in person the next day at school we bascily ignore each other because were to shy. theres also the problem with are age difference....im 17 shes 13 and so her parents wont even let us try and go out because they think the stereotypical way...that all i want is in her pants which is not even close to being it. so if anyone has a suggestion of some sort feel free to leave one for this is one problem that has been pestoring me for awhile.

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I think you should start by talking to her. Chances are that's she's willing to take the next step into a relationship which would probably be talking to her parents. I think that you guys will probably get over the shyness quickly, but her parents are probably the real problem to your relationship.


I would highly suggest you and her just sit down with her parents sit down and talk about it. Don't exaggerate yourself, brag, or shower compliments on them because that may make it seem that you aren't being sincere. Just be yourself. Come up with responsible dating scenarios, such as a group of people (both her and your ages). If they still are reluctant, say that you'd be happy for one/both of them to go with ya'll to be chaperones. (Ya, ya, I know. But still, if it's the only way, just sit a few seats away...lol) If you think it's not worth the trouble, then maybe it's just not meant to be. Either way, give things a try, and good luck!

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why else would u like a 13 yr old...or maybe u cant get better i dont know u so i cant say...but thats what all parents think...if ur 17 why do u need a 13 yr old...but um i think u need to be the mature one considering ur 17 and shes 13 u need to tlak to her outside of AOL. or whatever call her on the phone make plans with her...and screw her parents she can make some shit up that shes going out with frenz...but dont be gay ur 17 u be the MAN! i think ur out for her pants tho cuz..i mean...a 13 yr old and a 17 yr old theres something up with that

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  • 2 weeks later...

i gotta agree with gabby on the age thing. 13 is just too young to be messin around with in my opinion, but true love cannot be denied by age.


dont allow the fear of rejection in your brain to get the best of you. next time you see her, just go up to her and force yourself to talk to her. i know it sounds dumb but it works, believe me. dont give your brain that moment of hesitation to tell yourself "no" and u'll be fine. try waitin on poppin her cherry tho bro

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