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good looks vs average


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1. So what single theory could account for the numerous aspects of attraction?


2. I don't think humankind is stupid, it's just that somethings are beyond our understanding and should be.


So far their one aspect of attrcation that was discovered: compatibility of immune systems, it shows through smell: attrcative partners find each other smelling very good! And it is possible I guess to figure it out sicinetifically by analyzing human's data: DNA etc.

But no one cares about it, human prefer to send billions to other planets we don't care about.


2. Humans unfortunatelly as a society are very stupid. Why would they research space fillied with nothing and planets filled with the same nothing

instead of taking on problems of more important values such as attraction and love here on the Earth?

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From a scientific point of view, what constitutes attractiveness in a female to a male is their ability to bear offspring and to take care of them. Attractiveness in a male to a female is a male who is good at protecting and providing for his family.


Which is why tall men with muscles are generally considered more attractive. And healthy looking females with the right waist/hip ration (ideal for child bearing), full breasts (for feeding children) is considered attractive.


Shiny hair (i think due to focilles), clear skin and long legs are also signs of fertility. Symettry is considered a sign of healthiness.


This is from a biological perspective, and society and nurturing will affect what a person is attracted to, but these are basics.


Good looking people have their share of rough things too. They get so many sleazy or desperate people approaching them all the time. I'm a good looking guy (apparently), and I've had a few middle aged men come on to me since I was 14, 15.


Plus the fact that there are idiots who go around prejudging good looking people like they're snobs.

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I would like to make a few points about girls with large breats and a skinnier frame.

I agree with many things that people are saying here. However, I am 5 foot 7 and I have very large breasts and am relatively skinny. I hate it!

My breasts are the one thing that I wish I could be rid of.


Because they are the first thing that people look at when they see me. I am judged because of them by girls and guys. Many guys will try to hit on me or get me in bed without even knowing who I am as a person. It makes me sick to think that they get more attention than my personality does. But it is true, many people are vain and shallow and unfortunately there is nothing I can do about it. So i guess this is for all you females out there who feel like your body types are bad, or wish you had larger breasts. Even if you did have large breasts and a small frame there will always be something you wish you could change. I am a good example of that, I would trade my large breasts for small ones anyday.

I think what we all need to do is work on being happy with what we have and who we are as people. I know I am no different and I need to be happier with myself. But as long as we keep looking at what we don't have we will never be happy with what we do have.

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Shellie, I realize that you aren't always happy with your body. But then again, who really is? The people that judge you based on something you can't control are just ignorant, and I think you just haven't met the right guy yet. Alot of guys are like that, in that they can't see past only the physical..but someday you'll find a guy who appreciates you mentally and physically and makes you feel good about yourself.

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I know that there are guys out there who will like me for me and not just my appearance. However, it is hard to see past something that has become so common. It is like any bad habit I guess. We all have habits we wish we could kick, it takes time and a lot of work to be able to do that. For so many women, body image is a struggle. I struggle and I try to "kick that habit" so to speak. However, like I said, with it all around you and in your face it is very hard to do. I think all women are beautiful and all frames are unique....we should cerish them all!

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well to be honest I have considered getting a reduction. But then I feel like that would be the equivalent to a girl with small breats getting implants. I don't want to feel like this and I would do anything to change it. I would not want to give in to something so vain. The only time I would spend money on something like that would be if it were for health reasons. RIght now, my breasts are large but they are not troubling me in any way other then what we have already discussed. I think its sad that I can't be fully happy with myself, but it may just be human nature...you want what you don't have.

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well to be honest I have considered getting a reduction. But then I feel like that would be the equivalent to a girl with small breats getting implants. I don't want to feel like this and I would do anything to change it. I would not want to give in to something so vain. The only time I would spend money on something like that would be if it were for health reasons. RIght now, my breasts are large but they are not troubling me in any way other then what we have already discussed. I think its sad that I can't be fully happy with myself, but it may just be human nature...you want what you don't have.


Hmm, well since you don't have any health problems, it's not so bad I suppose. But you'll be fully happy one day Like I said, you just have to meet the right guy. And also try to tell yourself that not everyone is judging you by your body type...alot of people might, but there are still some genuine people out there who can draw the line between appearance and personality

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