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Feeling overworked and overwhelmed...really stressed!


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Long story short, I'm majorly stressed from work, Im getting bald spots from hair loss, can't sleep and just overall feel cranky at the world, which is VERY unlike me. I'm a very passive person but I think it's finally time to stand up for myself. I wrote down some things I want to say to my boss tomorrow, but just want some objective eyes to see if it's coming off as whiny, or disrespectful. Appreciate any feedback!


"I know sometimes things come up for you and you need someone to work at the last minute. I was just wondering, and would greatly appreciate if when those times do come up, (coworker) and I take turns covering them. I do my best, but sometimes it's hard to change my whole schedule around since I really don't have days off like the other girls. If it can happen, I would be relieved of a lot of pressure."

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Next time it happens, I would just say something like "I would love to help, but I really need to do XYZ (or: already committed to XYZ projects) and want to ensure quality work. Maybe I can do this part and coworker can take over that part?" This way you're offering to help, but also involving your coworker so your boss realizes she needs to do a fair split. Also this way you're framing it as a benefit that you focus on your current work rather than yourself so she realizes by overworking you it's actually harmful to the company because you're overall productivity goes down.

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  • 3 weeks later...

It's important to stand up for yourself without being rude - a good way to approach this is to have a heart to heart with your boss - just ask if she has a few mins and sit with her and say how you feel - she won't fire you for that - you can tell your point of view and she will better understand your situation and do something about it

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