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Do people get back together?


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I know that this is a site which those who have probably broken up look on. But has anyone got any stories where they or people that you know have broken up and have gotten back together?

My situation is that me and my ex girlfriend were together for three years and we had plans of moving out ect pretty soon. Then career, academic and family stress kicked in and she was very quick to end it and haven't spoken to me since. She claimed that she was unhappy and that we didn't have time to do things together. Which is a poor excuse really when it was only a few days before we were talking kids and she was telling me how much she loved me.

Any would be appreciated!

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Sure people do. But it's not common. I broke up after three years, was apart for one, and got back together for another decade.


You know what I did to reconnect? Nothing. I let the relationship go and moved on with my life. She eventually called and said she missed me and wanted to give it another go.


You cant do anything to change their minds. It has to be a desire within them to reconnect.


I always say after a breakup, less is more. If you don't contact them you can't screw things up any worse than they are by pleading and begging.

Move on as if they aren't owing back, so no matter what happens, you'll be OK.

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Some relationships get back together, others don't and it's probably better that way, anything is possible.


I broke up and got back together with my high school/college a handful of times and eventually it ended for good. But to be honest, it probably should have ended the first time. We had the WORST relationship and we were so not compatible. So just because you broke up doesn't mean it was a bad thing. Everything happens for a reason and you learn from it.


My most recent break up was just over 2 years ago after a 6 year relationship and at the time, it felt like the worst thing that ever happened to me and I honestly felt like apart of me died. But again, I learned so much about myself, learned to let the relationship go and over time I felt better. We never got back together which ultimately leads me to the relationship I am in today, I am so happy and I truly believe everything happens for a reason.


Stay strong, whether you get back together or not, you will be okay.

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Only based on my own experience the one (okay six) times I did that with the same ex? Yeah, only if you enjoy repeating the same actions over and over again then being surprised, unpleasantly, when it turns out equally bad or worse than the last breakup. Total definition of insanity in my case.


However I do know a few people who got back together, usually some time down the road and only if what broke them up was something fairly fixable that got addressed and handled somewhere along the way-like a family situation or maybe one of them wasn't ready to settle down or distance was involved and now isn't. AND if they both want to get back together, because it's not about what only one of them wants, both have to want that same thing at the same time.


It's rare, it happens, but as I posted on here earlier, never put your life on hold for that "maybe" or "Once in a blue moon" deal.

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