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anyone used rogaine or any of those hair gainer products

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has anyone used rogaine and is it permanent and if not how long does it last. i am 24 yr old male, and i am noticing very little some loss in the frontal area. i also today went to a hair doctor and he said i will be balding soon-the doc did seem like a little weird-very monotonal boring voice and kept staring at me -just weird . oh well but my real answer for this post is anyone used hair growth products liek rogaine. should i start using it. do u use it when u completely bald or just starting to get a little bald. which one. do ui need to see a family doc before using these products.

oh yea does rogaine work and how effective is it.

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rogaine sucks, it is a pain to use and smells really bad. you have to use it twice a day and rub it in your scalp. i was just starting to thin so i started taking propecia about 8 months ago. it has done wonders for me and all you have to do is take one pill a day. i dont know if it works for everyone but it really helped me.

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keep using it for how long? how effective is it, does it really make it grow or just little bit by little. the stuff quite $$$



I've heard people who've used it say it works. You have to keep using it though.


I've started using it myself--the women's version. While it looks like I have a lot of hair and it's semi-long, I have a receding hairline on the sides so it makes it hard to wear my hair up. Looks like it's working so far.

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i work out and that pumps my testerone up would workin out have a cause on my thinning-which i have not really balding yet . thank god.


i also heard of toppick -spray on thing that makes ur hair fibers clump togther and gives u the look that u do have hair. its cheaper and in an instant u have hair in 30 secs. anyone here used those spray on's. how is it

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has anyone here tried propecia and how effective is it. is it permament or do u have to keep using it.

there are a lot of products out there for thinning hair but all $$$$. getting a hair piece is proabably the cheapest. only 250 bucks andits permament.

anyone here using nizoral shampoo i heard it gets rid of dandruff and also stimulates hair growth b/c it cleans the folliucles anyone now of it. the niz shampoo probably the cheapest

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I also heard that rogaine is not your best choice.


I would strongly suggest a thickening shampoo if you havent already tried. I think Loreal Vive makes a thickening shampoo for men, it smells very nice, and i heard it does work, but takes 2 weeks until you really start to notice anything.


Also, since hair is protein, I would suggest increasing your protein intake, however not to an unhealthy extent!

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