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hello everyone and how are you? well im back to get somethings off my chest here. Friday i decided to give my friend a call and she what she was up to. so i went over to where she was and my ex was there like always. well i thought that i take them out with me and do some stuff that i had to do and get them out of the house. aftere all of the things were done i had went and met up with my brother and my friend steve-o. we decided to play pool later on that night. well they wanted to get drunk so i dropped them off back at home. i go out play pool and have fun and my ex calls my friend's cell phone........and asks for me. now at this point im thinking that she's pulling that "i miss you please come see me" crap. and it was. she had been unable to stay at her friends house and she ran out of ideas of where she could stay....so who else to call? ME! yeah! she needed a place to stay. now i was reluctant at first to even ask why and what she planned on sleeping. So this is how the rest of that night goes. i babysit her all night while trying to maintain her from puking in my bed, i tried leaving she pulls me arm towards her tells me " i dont want to be alone" and wont let go. i sleept next to her and kept distance but she put her arms around me and couldnt stop kissing me. now i dont know if you can see it but dont you think thats a bit weird? the next moring i wake up to her kissing me again, getting on top of me and kissing me more, and to top if all off she gets all hot and heavy. this was a bit too much and just to even think that i was just trying to live life the way i can live it, once again it is her that comes back and forth to my life. now i know that i didnt have to do that but i felt that i couldnt let her sit outside all night and freeze. too nice? maybe. but i also care even if she did ruin my life. isnt weird that sometimes you just let it slide and you help that person that you shouldnt? with a big heart it makes it every difficult and thats my down fall. but i like my big heart and i enjoy helping others with things they need. but now she never calls like always, we never see each other, hell i never got a thank you for what i did for her, so how am i supposed to take this as now? if she asks to stay at my place again should i say no? yeah i should. because if she cant appreciate what i did for her then i wont waste my time on letting her walk on me like that. well thats all for now, talk to you all later. take care.

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Please be very careful with this one. My ex and I ran into each other and she complimented me on everything with me. Some time passes in the night and she decided that she wanted to talk. So after some talking we ended up kissing, but I ended up pushing her away and told her not to play with me. I want something real not someone playing with my heart. If you truly are sincere, please call me tomorrow and we will talk about this. A few days later she called and explained that everything that night was a mistake. And that we arent even on a friend level. Be very cautious. Even though your ex is having issues, she may be confusing real true feelings with missing you. Big difference.

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I know it's hard but you gotta drop that chick all together it seems

she has no idea what she wants and putting you right in the middle

im sure your probably a cool person and you probably dont need

all thoose head games


if she needs help,help her but dont let her scwerm

her way back in because you'll end up hurt again

it seems she's the type of person that thrives on people

hurting over her, it seems your better than that

well I hope this helps you

good luck :silly:

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Hello Tears


I think you need to stay away from your ex. She has no where to go and who does she look for? You of course! That's just not right for her to use you like that my friend, and how do you expect to move on with her hanging about? I totally agree with tmills, she might be confusing real feelings with just missing you. It may sound selfish, but you gotta think about you for now, you don't want to be back to square one. Good luck hun 8) .

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I would like to thank everyone who replied. well it seems thats what i need to do if i dont want to continue this all over again. staying away from her will make it a bit better on me in having to deal with this. if it comes down to it she needs to go about and check what she is doing to me if anything else. i dont think she realizes what she does to people sometimes. and how the whole " i need to live the party scene" is just overrated with her. im just wondering when she is going to finally see the big picture and get a grip on life altogether. if i cant help her then it's her own doing not mine. from here on she needs to sort herself out. well everyone take care and ill be back to talk once again.

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