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How immature is this?

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I know you guys are about as sick of this as I am, but this is so retarded.

Ok my ex and I of 3 years got the chance to put everything to rest alittle over a month ago. The last thig she said was she'd still like to see me from time to time, I thought ok, sure why not. (I'm not going to go out of my way) That being said, tell me what's up with this...We live kinda close to each other so we see each other on the road, but every time she see's me she floors it and peals out. (smoke and all -sometimes) She's got a nice new car and drive'n it like that is going to tear it up. But what the hells her problem? It's things like this that have made getting over her so easy. I guess she's mad about something, but this is sick. It wouldent be so bad if it was every once in a while, but damn, every time she sees me??? I almost want to find another way home for the sake of her poor little car. She's a trip.

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She does sound immature and she also sounds like she's not completely over you. She should have a bumper sticker on her car that says something like "Caution: Man Hater on the Road...Steer Clear"! Ha ha! Just kidding! I don't know how you ended your relationship, whether in good terms or bad terms, but she sounds like she's got a bit of anger in her. Take a different road so you won't have to put up with that nonsense.

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lol. Your ex sounds like she still has issues. I know the feeling though, my current ex does the same thing to me only difference is that she's trying to get back together with me but I'm holding out because she still won't tell me the reason she left in the first place. Yeah, and turning around and running everytime you see me is going to make me want you back. lol Sometimes what people say and do are two completely different things.


But who knows, maybe she's just showing off new car. Be funny if she "showed off" when a cop was around though.

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i dont see what she could be so mad about. let her be mad though and just laugh at her for it.


a couple months back my ex ex gf told me that i suck, im this and that, and that im stupid and that spending those 4 years with me were the worse 4 years of her life.


of course they werent and she was just trying to show off to her new bf. of course i said to her "either your just lying or your really stupid if you spent 4 years with someone who made you feel that horrible"


to that i got silence and i got a good laugh. im glad you can see the comedy in it

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Ya, I will never understand EXs. But we all have them. Ya, she is pissed at you man, for whatever reason.... Only thing I say is either NC for awhile, and she will contact you, or go to her and kill her with kindness, and see her reaction then...


Gotta do the opposite of what they expect.........

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"Only thing I say is either NC for awhile, and she will contact you, or go to her and kill her with kindness, and see her reaction then...

Gotta do the opposite of what they expect........."


I think I'll keep doing "nothing". (I know thats a doubble neg, but you get what I'm saying) She's bad luck anyway, every time I step in her direction it all hell brakes loose with roumers and goes to her head. I'm done with that. If one day she comes to me and acts civil then that's the day hell freezes over and we mend things. We had a peaceful ending, thats why all this is so dumb. I dont get her at all. I just hope her cars ok. j/j

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I've seen my ex in town once or twice. I don't really know if it's her or not, because how many people drive a black jeep wrangler with a soft top? Alot. so i always tell myself it wasn't her, even if it was. My mother, comes home from work around 5-5:30 ish has seen her a few times now, because that's usally around the time the ex goes to school. She even told me she saw her smoking, something my ex never did in the 11 months she was with me. I broke NC on sunday night when i got upset after seeing another car infront of her house, which is one of the ways to my place ( the one i rather not take lately) She luckly didn't awnser and i quickly hung up and said "what the hell am i doing" and shut the cellphone off for the rest of the night.

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" i quickly hung up and said "what the hell am i doing" and shut the cellphone off for the rest of the night."



Best move you could ever make. And if the ex does have another person over, thats up to her, not us. Keep that in mind. Go out, be you and have fun! Trust me, wasting time on hurting your self makes things worse, I know it's hard man but get out, go to Walmart if you have to just don't sit at home while the sclience crushes all your dreams. Make them happen. (Start by not going by her house) I had a chance to see where my ex lived and I chose not to know for the very reason. We live on the same road, that was hell enough. I have a feeling she's going to try for me again, but I also get the feeling it's going to be too late, b/c of how she is now, or where I may be. (Happy with someone else) Look out for you now, you might not know it, but you need you to be there for you. I know it sounds crazy but one day you'll look back and say, that dude from the internet with the crazy ex was right! Take care. Be safe and stay away from the ex, trust me. (N-less she calls and says, "hey, I want you now, in that case I'll direct traffic for you man, just let me know where and when! Good luck. Phoenix

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Well, when was the last time you two talked? Maybe when she said we can talk from time to time, she expected you to contact her a few days later, and you didnt so she is pissed.


I mean women are strange. Some of them leave hints instead of coming out and saying whats up. Others say one thing, then do completely the opposite. Life and relationships should be much easier than they are because of some of this....

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I'd have to say your convo was much more personal than mine. I did most of the talking, all she said was "I miss you 2". But Nothing more, she thought I was jealous of her b/f which is the ex b-4 me, but if you knew this guy...nope. I did say I hope he makes her happy b/c she deserves it. She does, like I said our timing was off. To give you an idea I'll give you a link to a site with some of my music on it, the song "suitable abuse" was one I did for her when we first met. I was still in love with someone else and was heart broken. I told her it wasn't a good time, but she insisted to lick my wounds, so I let her, but you'll tell from the song how I felt at that time.


Any way too much time went on with her minding my wing and me flying off that I 4-got how much she was to me. Hell, I didn't even give her all of me. But once it was too late twards the end, I knew I was loosing her and it was too late so insecurity out of nowhere finnished us off. The song I did the day after was called "Deepest Apologies" (it's not on the site, but if you want to hear it I can email it to you. ) It was too late, I think the fact she saw me stumble over her the way I did the other blew up her head. I was in a rut. Any move I made would push her away, so I did no contact. She'd call atleast once a week about pointless things, but that just made things worse. That went on for 6 months and I broke down to tell her how I felt just n-case she missed me, but when I called a friend to get her number she said she'z started to see her ex again.


All one big mess, I'm sure you see now why it's hard for me to try anymore. I'd love she show her what I ment, But I'm not even sure who she is anymore. So "Burning Bridges" for me and every one on e-notalone is whats helped me through this. (It's on the site) Well, as for you, I'd stay away for a while, she left, let her come back. If she knows your wait'n around, she'll take her time which allows her to 4-get you. Make her wonder, but no games. The site with the music is...

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go to search and then to artist name and type in Deja Juniper

and it should bring everything up. I hope my story can be of some help, and I'd like to hear what you think if you have time. Thanks Deja

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