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Anal Sex Problem

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My girlfriend and I have been together a while. We've tried things sexually, and moved to anal. Everything during the act goes fine, but afterwards she experiences diarrhea like symptoms. This does not occur right after, but rather starts in some hours and lasts roughly a day.


I've done some research into this and one of the problems I've heard was saliva causes this. I somewhat doubt that, however I accept it as a possibility. We have used lube, but everytime saliva has also been involved during the fingering process before penetration.


I'm looking for reasons as to why this diarrhea-like effect occurs, and how to prevent it so we can both enjoy anal sex without any unwanted after effects.



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Well, you're putting something that is not supposed to go up there up there! You are stretching the walls of her anus. I would be careful because in the long run, you could do damage to this girl.


What's wrong with the vagina?


I don't know what could be causing the diaorreah symptoms. Maybe cause of the stretching, she is not holding her faeces in as well.


Just as a matter of interest... How would you like something the size of a penis in your anus?!

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mgirl, proper anal sex will not be damaging to the girl, or reduce her ability to hold in her feces. The walls of the anus naturally stretch (you do eliminate things from there too after all). The anus does not work that way (ie stretches out and never regains it) when done properly as the muscles in there (basically a couple rings) are involuntary muscles and it takes a lot of mind control to relax them as well as mega patience. Vigorous can be bad for tissues, but slow gentle anal sex can be very pleasurable for BOTH people as long as relaxation techniques are used. As long as you are not doing it ALL the time, it is fine. There is nothing wrong with the vagina, but couples like to explore and try new things - I find anal sex very intimate, pleasurable and something I would only share with a partner I absolutely trust and love 100%.


Obviously they are aiming to do it properly hence his questions.


To the original poster - it may just be a irritation from either the lube or if you are ejaculating inside of her. You may try using a condom if you are not (recommended for anal sex anyway). I am certainly not going to tell you to use less lube though! Good mantra for that area is when you think you have enough, use even more!


Other than making sure not to ejaculate (and you can try the no saliva thing too - it might be causing it, never know!) She could try using an enema on herself if you know a while before you are going to be doing anal that day - like 12 hours or so before. I've never had a need for that, but I have read that adult film stars will do so.

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Thank you RayKay. We always use a condom so it is not ejaculate. Next time I think we'll move away from KY Jelly and try something else like an oil-based lube, maybe that's the issue. Not that I need to justify myself but the reason for anal is a combination of exploration and as a release during the monthly run. It was her idea to try it and she and I both enjoy it minus the aftermath.

Thanks for the ideas, if you have any others, thanks in advance.

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Thank you RayKay. We always use a condom so it is not ejaculate. Next time I think we'll move away from KY Jelly and try something else like an oil-based lube, maybe that's the issue. Not that I need to justify myself but the reason for anal is a combination of exploration and as a release during the monthly run. It was her idea to try it and she and I both enjoy it minus the aftermath.

Thanks for the ideas, if you have any others, thanks in advance.


I would just try and experiment - oil based ones may make conditions worse as well as break down the condom and leave residue. I just looked up a site that said oil lubes for anal are a no-no.


There are anal-specific lubes too, though they can desensitive as well. I personally don't like KY, but there are many lubes out there that work well. Astroglide is one of my favourites, but so is a new one I just tried called "Oh My" - it is organic to boot! I found it on the aforementioned site:


"Oh! My Natural - This unique personal lubricant is formulated with all natural botanical ingredients and Hemp to give the most natural sensual pleasure. O' My's natural formula not only enhances the pleasure of intimate activity, but also acts as a remarkable moisturizer. O'My Personal Lubricant is water-based and condom compatible"


I find it great for both anal and vaginal (when things are going on and on and on!). Does not taste too bad either


Anyway, I will PM you with link I am looking at it has some more info

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It could be a natural body reaction to the abnormal feeling of having a penis in the rectum. The body may believe something is wrong and try to get rid of the contents of the intestine quicker, just like when u have bad food your body gets rid of the food quicker i.e. u get the runs. Maybe with a bit more time her body will adapt and she will not suffer these problems. I certainly do not believe its uncommon side effect as i have read it before.


Just a thought

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