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Her coming back????


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I had no contact with my ex for a few weeks and she sees me at an public music event. Later she's texting me and calling me and stuff like that. She's even acting more caring than she ever has and she's acting like we are together again. I think she realizing that she misses me because she wants me to be there and nothing feels right with anyone else than it had with me ( she admitted that). I'm just wondering if anyone has opinions to help me gauge this or advice for what to do....

P.s....I do want her back.

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I wouldn't respond to anything less than, "I want to get back together." That said, it's not your job to offer her a shoulder to cry on, after all it was her choice to breakup, therefore she needs to deal with the consequences.


I understand you want her back, but be careful not to take the bait with accepting friendship, and/or becoming her doormat.

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When my wife left, she rang me three months later with a similar thing, I told her no. I had moved on. My feeling is, so should you. There will be others, and probably better ones for you. I know you probably have feelings still, but look at your situation closely. Seek counselling for yourself, and get some good advice. My gut feeling is that if it is not working now, and she hasn't spoken to you properly about it, bit most likely never will. Be good to yourself.

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