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Emergency Contraception


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i just wanted to know, if lets say you had unprotected sex, if you took a few pills from lets say a birth control package like Alesse, all at once...can that be used as another way of emergency contraception? I read somewhere that it can, but i forgot how many it said to take...does anyone have any info on this? I can't find any on the net...thanks

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looking on the internet for such things is really not a good idea. u can go get the emergency contraception pill from a doctor or a clinic. usually if u ask them to, they will keep it confidential. and please, do not try ur own forms of emergency contraception, 90% of the time they cause more harm than good.

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if you want emergency contraception get emergency contraception--the morning after pill! ive never heard this or read this and trust me i read and see alot. doing something like that is very dangerous, if this is an issue call a sexual health centre and get the morning after pill. if you've had unprotected sex in the last five days, this pill could work.

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i just wanted to know, if lets say you had unprotected sex, if you took a few pills from lets say a birth control package like Alesse, all at once...can that be used as another way of emergency contraception? I read somewhere that it can, but i forgot how many it said to take...does anyone have any info on this? I can't find any on the net...thanks


There are certain pills that can be used as emergency contraception, but you would have to talk to a doctor/clinic about how they should be taken (ie they are not supposed to be taken all at once, but in stages). MAP are usually just birth control pills taken in certain order anyway and packaged differently, but not all birth control pills will work as MAPs so you do need to talk to a clinic.


Taking a few birth control pills from a pack won't "kill" you as another poster said - all they are is estrogen (or deriviants) and progesterone (or deriviants) and are hormones present in women to begin with, just more elevated. They will just mess up your cycle really badly sometimes and your moods too!

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