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Need help...so confused


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So my ex broke up with me about a month ago and it's been a bumpy ride. Things are running smoothly now and I want her back. She keeps on telling me that she does love me but not in that way, and she says she can't describe the way she feels. Next thing I know she admits to missing me and saying that I " have a leash on her", and keep on pulling her back to me. She even admitted to wanting to kiss me so badly that she won't see me in person because she thinks itll happen. I need some advice to help explain what the heck is going on and how I can help settle my situation for the better.

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So my ex broke up with me about a month ago and it's been a bumpy ride. Things are running smoothly now and I want her back. She keeps on telling me that she does love me but not in that way, and she says she can't describe the way she feels. Next thing I know she admits to missing me and saying that I " have a leash on her", and keep on pulling her back to me. She even admitted to wanting to kiss me so badly that she won't see me in person because she thinks itll happen. I need some advice to help explain what the heck is going on and how I can help settle my situation for the better.


Hey, so sorry you're going through that! It sounds really confusing and painful. I guess the first thing I would ask is why did she break up with you in the first place? Also, what was your perspective on the relationship? Obviously, something was on her mind that made her feel the relationship might not be right for her. Was everything fine as far as you were concerned?


That being said, it's pretty common for people to get pretty serious cold feet after breaking up with someone and be "confused". In general, I never think it's a good sign when I hear someone talking about their ex being really "confused". She probably is, but that doesn't mean she really wants to get back together with you and work on whatever was making the relationship hard for her.


How has she come to tell you these things? Are you initiating contact? Is she?


I think you should ask her to give you space while she figures this stuff out for herself. Don't talk to her for a while because I doubt this back and forth is helpful to you. Bottomline - she isn't ready to commit. Maybe she will be one day and everything we'll be great, but honestly this kind of confusion doesn't sound healthy to me, and it makes me wonder if the relationship itself was healthy.


Cut your losses here buddy and try to heal. You'll look back on something like this and realize the two of you stringing each other along was not the best thing you could have done following a breakup. That being said, it happens and I wish you luck.

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I have pulled away from the past days and it's gets a little bit weirder. Shes more responsive than she has been in the longest time and seems she wants to talk to me. I will doing something on snapchat and she always there instantly. I'm waiting to see what happens, we have to see each other at an event in two weeks and Last I talked to her about it we talked about hanging out. She seems to want me still and shes been very perculiar about something thats restraining. Ive

completely pulled away from our dating aspect but would still till date her in an instant.....advice?

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