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is it ok... to love girl over the net


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This is a difficult situation because you have to have some sort of expectations out of the relationship. I dont believe what you are doing is wrong but I wouldnt say its practical. Then again being practical has never stopped people before. Although if I were you I would ask questions like why you dont find a girl in your immediate area to have this kind of connection with?

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My view is that, if you love a girl online that you've never met in person before, what you really love is the IDEA of being in love with her. You haven't actually met her in person; you don't know if there's chemistry between you both. You might meet this girl in person and realize that she's really not the type of girl you expected. When you first meet a person, both individuals are trying to make themselves look as appealing as possible, so of course, flaws don't come into the picture until later on. And, I think it's much easier for a person's true self to be concealed via internet. If she lives near you, try to meet her in person as soon as possible before it becomes a full-blown fantasy.

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  • 2 weeks later...
What about if you make friends with the person online? Can you still love or have love for them?


I found my first love over the internet. Well actually we met only once before when the guy was here in NZ on holiday (he's from Australia). Then, when he moved back to Australia we started chatting online - for over a year and it grew into this big romance.

I think it is true that you can blow things out of proportion - so be cautious - I advise you not to rush into things too quickly - keep talking to her - but ask yourself "How would it be if we met in person? Would our relationship change?"


When I met my "online" boyfriend, he looked pretty different to how he was in photos but I actually fell in love with him even more. So it's a 50/50 situation - online people can be anything and you can easily be attracted to someone you can't communicate with face-to-face because you think the best of them and don't notice the faults...


if she lives close - arrange a casual date. otherwise, keep talking but don't get too carried away.


hope it works out for the best, though! good luck!

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I would advise you to just be careful with your emotions and not get too carried away.


I was in a similar situation a couple years ago when I met a guy online. We became really close and talked about everything and anything. I felt like I had known him for soooo long. We told each other we loved each other on a regular basis, and I actually believed it.


We finally met in person after almost a year of contact online... physically he was what I expected from photos and being on webcam. Emotionally... that's where the problem came in. He was the same guy, the same thoughts and ideas and values... but he was very clingy. We started dating and he was just sooooooo clingy. I guess that's one of the things that you can't tell online because the person isn't there in person. If you wanna get away, you just go away. In person, doesn't work out that way. Needless to say it didn't work out for us in the end...


Anyway not trying to say this won't work out. Just consider there are things about her that you might not be able to know or understand or experience fully online (like how she will be in person). I think it's important for you to set up a casual meeting with her and feel out the situation. I don't think it's wrong though to say that you love them... I sure did at the time. But things can't be 100% clear until you're in person interacting.


Keep us updated, good luck!

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